獎項设置 Prizes 2017“蕭邦紀念獎”香港國際鋼琴公開賽

初賽之獎項 Prizes of Trials


100 is the full mark for each group, 85 points and up for the first prize;80-84.99 points second prize and 75-79.99 points third prize. Participants scoring 70-74.99 points receive the Excellence Awards.

Participants achieving the third prizes and up will go through into the International Piano Competition finals. Tutors of the first prize contestants can be awarded the “Excellent Piano Teacher” citation.


決賽之獎項 Prizes of the Final

Ⅰ.各組別評分標準為一百分制,90分以上一等獎; 85-89.99分二等獎;80-84.99分三等獎;70-79.99分優秀獎.

100 is the full mark for each group, 90 points and up for the first prize; 85-89.99 points second prize and 80-84.99 points third prize. Participants scoring 70-79.99 points receive the Excellence Awards.



Ⅱ.獲獎評定 Awarding Evaluation




ⅰ、Each group has the following awards: the first place, the second place, the third place, the fourth place and the fifth place, together with the first, second, third prize, and Excellence Awards.

ⅱ、If the top five contesters can not reach the standard line agreed by the Organizing Committee and Jury Members,places  will not beawarded.The marking system is as below:

the first place must be 93 points and up; the second and third place must be 90 points and up; the fourth and the fifth place must be 85 points and up.


公開組 Open Class—1 Class No.1

第一名 First place      現金$30000    Cash$30000、獎盃 Trophy

第二名 Second place    現金$12000    Cash$12000、獎盃 Trophy

第三名 Third place     現金$5000      Cash$5000、獎盃 Trophy

第四、五名  Fourth and Fifth places  獎狀、獎盃 Certificate and Trophy


蕭邦波羅乃茲組 Chopin Polonaise Class—2 Class No.2

第一名 First place      現金$3000  Cash$3000、獎盃 Trophy

第二名 Second place    現金$2000  Cash$2000、獎盃 Trophy

第三名 Third place     現金$1000  Cash$1000、獎盃 Trophy

第四、五名  Fourth and Fifth places  獎狀、獎盃  Certificate and Trophy


蕭邦夜曲組 Chopin Nocturne Class—3 Class No.3

第一名 First place      現金$3000  Cash$3000、獎盃 Trophy

第二名 Second place    現金$2000  Cash$2000、獎盃 Trophy

第三名 Third place     現金$1000  Cash$1000、獎盃 Trophy

第四、五名  Fourth and Fifth places  獎狀、獎盃  Certificate and Trophy


蕭邦敍事曲組 Chopin Ballade Class—4 Class No.4

第一名 First place      現金$3000  Cash$3000、獎盃 Trophy

第二名 Second place    現金$2000  Cash$2000、獎盃 Trophy

第三名 Third place     現金$1000  Cash$1000、獎盃 Trophy

第四、五名  Fourth and Fifth places 獎狀、獎盃  Certificate and Trophy


蕭邦諧謔曲組 Chopin Scherzo Class—5 Class No.5

第一名 First place      現金$3000  Cash$3000、獎盃 Trophy

第二名 Second place    現金$2000  Cash$2000、獎盃 Trophy

第三名 Third place     現金$1000  Cash$1000、獎盃 Trophy

第四、五名  Fourth and Fifth places  獎狀、獎盃  Certificate and Trophy


蕭邦圓舞曲組 Chopin Waltz Class—6 Class No.6

第一名 First place      現金$3000  Cash$3000、獎盃 Trophy

第二名 Second place   現金$2000  Cash$2000、獎盃 Trophy

第三名 Third place     現金$1000  Cash$1000、獎盃 Trophy

第四、五名  Fourth and Fifth places  獎狀、獎盃  Certificate and Trophy


蕭邦馬祖卡舞曲組 Chopin Mazurka Class—7 Class No.7

第一名 First place      現金$3000  Cash$3000、獎盃 Trophy

第二名 Second place    現金$2000  Cash$2000、獎盃 Trophy

第三名 Third place     現金$1000  Cash$1000、獎盃 Trophy

第四、五名  Fourth and Fifth places  獎狀、獎盃  Certificate and Trophy


蕭邦即興曲組 Chopin Impromptu Class—8 Class No.8

第一名 First place      現金$3000  Cash$3000、獎盃 Trophy

第二名 Second place    現金$2000  Cash$2000、獎盃 Trophy

第三名 Third place     現金$1000  Cash$1000、獎盃 Trophy

第四、五名  Fourth and Fifth places  獎狀、獎盃  Certificate and Trophy


蕭邦練習曲組 Chopin Etude Class—9 Class No.9

第一名 First place      現金$2000  Cash$2000、獎盃 Trophy

第二名 Second place    現金$1000  Cash$1000、獎盃 Trophy

第三名 Third place     現金$800    Cash$800、  獎盃 Trophy

第四、五名  Fourth and Fifth place  獎狀、獎盃  Certificate and Trophy


蕭邦前奏曲組 Chopin Preludes Class—10 Class No.10

第一名 First place      現金$2000  Cash$2000、獎盃 Trophy

第二名 Second place    現金$1000  Cash$1000、獎盃 Trophy

第三名 Third place     現金$800    Cash$800、  獎盃 Trophy

第四、五名  Fourth and Fifth place  獎狀、獎盃  Certificate and Trophy


其餘各組(第11-65組)之獎項 Places for Class No.11-65

第一名 First place         獎狀、獎盃  Certificate and Trophy

第二名 Second place       獎狀、獎盃  Certificate and Trophy

第三名 Third place        獎狀、獎盃  Certificate and Trophy

第四、五名  Fourth and Fifth places  獎狀Certificate



Chu Wanghua Honor Award

現金5000.00  Cash$5000.00

獎盃、獎狀 Trophy and Certificate


The winner will be selected by Mr.Chu personally.



Chu Wanghua The Best Interpretation Award

現 金 3000.00 Cash$3000.00

獎盃、獎狀 Trophy and Certificate


The winner will be selected by Mr.Chu personally.



參賽者可獲頒發以下證書 The participants will receive the following certificates:

一等獎 獎狀   90分以上   First Prize    90 points or above

二等獎 獎狀   85-89.99分  Second Prize  85-89.99 points

三等獎 獎狀   80-84.99分  Third Prize   80-84.99 points

優秀獎 獎狀   70-79.99分  Excellence Award  70-79.99 points


《國際優秀鋼琴導師》獎項“International Excellent Piano TutorCertificate:


Teacher of the First, Second and Third place winner will receive an“International Excellent Piano Tutor” commemorative certificate awarded by I.M.A-hk.

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