由亨利·加內賓和利布斯托克教授創辦的日內瓦國際音樂比賽始於1939年,每年在瑞士日內瓦舉行一次,比賽有26個專案,包括鋼琴、大提琴、管風琴、長笛、雙簧管、室內樂重奏、作曲、指揮等,屬於世界上專案最多的國際音樂賽事之一。 日內瓦國際音樂比賽有著厚重的歷史積澱,發展至今,它儼然已成為世界上高水準、最有影響力的音樂比賽之一,成為年輕演奏家通往成功的大門。第二次世界大戰的緣故,1940年至1945年僅限於國內比賽。1979年以前,每年都有鋼琴和聲樂比賽,以後改為每年輪換舉行其中的一項,其他弦樂管樂等依舊每年擇項舉行。舉辦地每年都在日內瓦,參賽人數100至300人。比賽專案幾乎涉及世界通行的音樂各個門類。器樂參賽者年齡一般在15至 30歲,聲樂參賽者年齡限34歲以下。2016年第71屆瑞士日內瓦國際音樂比賽的專案為聲樂,歡迎來自世界各地的作曲家參加。
比賽地點:瑞士 日內瓦
All pieces are to be sung by heart (unless otherwise stated) in the original language and key. Each candidate may choose the order in which he/she wishes to perform his/her programme.
DVD recording – listening session
l 1 Aria by Vivaldi, Mozart, Haendel, Gluck or Haydn
l 1 Opera aria at the free choice of the candidate
l 1 lied/aria at the free choice of the candidate
Arias and Lieder/melodies must be in minimum two different languages.
Works performed in the DVD can be repeated once in the following rounds.
Recital I (max. 40 candidates – duration max. 15 min.)
l 1 Opera aria chosen from the works of Vivaldi, Haendel, Mozart, Gluck or Haydn
l 1 Opera aria at free choice of the candidate
l 1 Oratorio aria or 1 Lied/melody
Arias and Lieder/melodies must be in minimum two different languages.
Arias and Lieder/melodies must be chosen in minimum two different periods.
Recital II (max. 16 candidates – duration max. 25 min.)
l 2 Opera arias
l 2 Lieder or melodies
l 1 or several Arias or Lieder/melodies from the Second Vienna School or composed after
1970 (from 5 to 10 minutes). The use of the score is possible here, on request.
Arias and Lieder/melodies must be in minimum three different languages.
Arias and Lieder/melodies must be chosen in minimum three different periods.
Semi-Final: (max.8 candidates – duration between 40 and 50 minutes)
The programme is at the free choice of the candidate and must be constructed according to an artistic or thematic project. The Jury will assess the originality of the programme and its artistic coherence. All genres can be represented (opera, melody, operetta, musicals, contemporary repertoire, etc.). In principle, the Geneva Competition provides a piano accompanist. However, all requests for a particular instrument other than the piano will be considered and may, if appropriate, be accepted.
Final (max. 4 candidates) – with orchestra
Arias sung in the precedent rounds can be chosen again.
3 orchestral works, including at least:
l 1 Opera aria (to be chosen in the list of « operas for the Final »)
l 1 Lied with orchestra (to be chosen in the list « arias for the Final»)
l 1 piece at free choice of the candidate: opera, operetta or Oratorio aria
Arias and Lieder/melodies must be in minimum two different languages.
With the Orchestre de la Suisse Romande
Hedwig FASSBENDER – President – 德國
David AGLER – 美國
Jocelyne DIENST-BLADIN – 法國/瑞典
Johannes Martin KRAENZLE – 德國
Isabelle MASSET -法國
René MASSIS -法國
Jadwiga RAPPE – 波蘭
Tobias RICHTER – 瑞士
Tomoko TAKEUCHI – 日本
ü 至少兩位決賽評委(含主席)參與資格賽的視頻評審;
ü 評委不得為其曾經的或現有的兩年(含)以上常規班學生進行評審(決賽除外);
ü 全程比賽期間,參賽選手禁止與評委取得任何聯繫;
ü 評審團主席與其他成員用相同的方式進行投票,平局比賽,主席一票計兩票;
ü 評審團的評審結果是最終的。
三等獎 8000瑞士法郎
《Paul Streit 》: 3000瑞士法郎
《Cercle Romand Richard Wagner》3000瑞士法郎
《Cercle du Grand Théatre》在一級或二級國家音樂廳進行演出
ü 獎項分兩個階段進行頒發:第一階段評審團對於晉級決賽的選手進行排序;第二階段評審團決定晉級選手中是否
ü 並非所有獎項都會頒發。