比賽地點:義大利 卡利諾
比賽時間:2016年10月28日 – 2016年10月30日 (共計3天)
1) 單簧管獨奏-青少年組:生於2004年1月1日以後,無文憑證書要求,僅一輪獨奏比賽;
2) 單簧管獨奏-初級A組:生於2000年1月1日以後,無文憑證書要求,僅一輪獨奏比賽;
3) 單簧管獨奏-初級B組:生於1996年1月1日以後,無文憑證書要求,僅一輪獨奏比賽;
4) 單簧管獨奏-高級組:生於1981年1月1日以後,無文憑證書要求;比賽為初賽、半決賽、決賽;
5) 低音單簧管組:生於1981年1月1日以後的選手,無文憑證書要求,僅一輪獨奏比賽;
6) 單簧管和管樂器組:無年齡限制,有無文憑證書均可,比賽分為初賽和決賽;
ü 各組別的一等獎獲得者次年不得申報本年度已獲獎的組別;
ü 選手可報名參加一個或者多個高於選手實際年齡的組別,但不可申報低年齡組別;
l Clarinet Soloist “Baby”:
Programme: Single Test
The applicant will have to perform a programme freely chosen and lasting no longer than 10 minutes. Studies or pieces for Clarinet Soloist are admitted as well as original pieces or transcriptions for Clarinet and piano, also in partial execution (only a movement), but not beyond the maximum time. The programme will have to be stated in the application form.
l Clarinet Soloist “Junior A”:
Programme: Single Test
The applicant will have to perform a programme freely chosen and lasting no longer than 13 minutes. Admitted only original pieces. The programme will have to be stated in the application form.
l Clarinet Soloist “Junior B”:
Programme: Single Test
a – C.M. von Weber Concertino op.26 for Clarinet and Orchestra
b – The applicant will have to perform a programme freely chosen and lasting no longer than 12 minutes. Admitted only original pieces. The programme will have to be stated in the application form.
l Clarinet Soloist “Senior”:
Eliminatory Phase:
– C.M. von Weber Concerto n° 1 op.73 in f minor for clarinet and orchestra (only first movement)
Semifinal phase:
a – Performance of one among the following Concerts at choice:
– C. M. von Weber Concerto n°2 op.74 for clarinet and orchestra (only first movement Allegro)
– L.Spohr Concerto no1 op.26
for clarinet and orchestra (only first movement Allegro)
– L.Spohr Concerto no2 op.57
for clarinet and orchestra (only first movement Allegro)
b – Performance of one among the following pieces for Clarinet and Piano at choice:
– R. Schumann Fantasiestucke op. 73
– C.M. von Weber Gran Duo Concertante op. 48
– J. Brahms Sonata op. 120 n. 1
– J. Brahms Sonata op.120 n. 2
– C. Debussy Première Rhapsodie
– B. Martinù Sonatina
– F. Poulenc Sonata
– N. Rota Sonata in re
– W. Lutoslawsky Dance Preludes
Final Phase:
a – W. A. Mozart Concerto in La Maggiore KV 622 (only first movement)
b – Performance of one among the following pieces for Clarinet Soloist at choice:
– I. Strawinsky Tre Pezzi
– L. Berio Sequenza IX
– F. Donatoni Clair
– V. Bucchi Concerto
l Bass Clarinet:
Programme: Single Test
a – Performance of a freely chosen programme. Admittet only original piesces.
b – Performance of a freely chosen programme. Admitted original pieces or transcriptions.
The programme, lasting no longer than 20 minutes, will have to be stated in the application form.
l “Clarinet and Wind Band”:
Eliminatory Phase with Piano:
– C.M. von Weber :Concerto n° 1 op.73 in f minor for clarinet and orchestra
(only first movement)
Final Phase with Wind Band:
– C.M. von Weber:Concerto n° 1 op.73 in f minor for clarinet and orchestra
(first, second and third movement)
ü 評審團由國際傑出的音樂家和音樂教授團隊組成;
ü 評審團的評審結果是最終的,不容置疑;
ü 與選手近兩年內有師生關係的陪審員不得擔當本屆的比賽評委;
ü 任何情況,陪審團均有權打斷選手演出或者要求選手再次演奏;
ü 若評審團未打斷逾時演出的情況下,選手可在適當限度內,超出最大時間限制繼續演奏;
ü 對於‘單簧管獨奏-高級組’和‘單簧管和管樂團組’的選手,得分高於85/100分且排名靠前的選手將晉級決賽;
ü 選手各輪得分為各組得分中去掉最高分和最低分以後的加權平均分;
ü 各輪得分將在整個組別演出結束後予以公佈;
ü 如果陪審員中有人員缺席,將由藝術總監代其進行評分;
ü 若選手個人的演繹水準未達獎項要求,陪審團有權決定不予頒發未達標准的獎項;陪審員的決定不容置疑。
1) 單簧管獨奏“青少年”組:一/二/三等獎分別獲得現金獎勵500/200/100歐元;
2) 單簧管獨奏A組:一/二/三等獎分別獲得現金獎勵600/250/150歐元;
3) 單簧管獨奏B組:一/二/三等獎分別獲得現金獎勵700/300/200歐元;
4) 單簧管獨奏高級組:一/二/三等獎分別獲得現金獎勵4000/800/350歐元;
5) 低音單簧管組:一/二/三等獎分別獲得700歐元/文憑證書/文憑證書;
6) 單簧管和管樂組:一/二/三等獎分別獲得500歐元/文憑證書/文憑證書;
單簧管獨奏“高級組”:一等獎選手還將獲得一把價值30000歐元的Sib RC單簧管,以及1000歐元現金獎勵;
ü 各組別的其他選手分別獲得參賽證明書;
ü 各組別的一等獎獲得者均須在音樂會中參加無償演出;並在音樂會演出結束時,為所有獲獎選手頒發獎項;
ü 頒獎典禮和閉幕音樂會演出將於2016年10月30日在the Auditorium of the parish church of SS. Tommaso and Protasio in Carlino進行;