
一年一屆的義大利阿爾卡莫國際聲樂比賽創辦於1998年,已成功舉辦18屆,今年為第19屆。自從2005年開始,該比賽就和卡塔尼亞馬西莫·貝裏尼劇院及貝裏尼音樂工作室合作主辦。大賽的重要性從出任的評委就不難看出,眾所周知的世界十大著名女高音家歌唱家“美聲皇后”Joan Sutherland及著名女高音歌唱家Ghena Dimitrova,美國大都會常任指揮Bonynge都曾出任過大賽評委。

比賽地點:義大利 阿爾卡莫

比賽時間:2016年9月29日-2016年10月2日 (共計4天)



A list of the six musical pieces the participant intends to sing. The six pieces must be by no less than three different authors, and at least four pieces shall be in Italian. Only one among the six pieces can be chosen by each participant from the internationally renowned operetta repertoire. Chamber arias, sacred arias, salon music and romances will not be allowed. Arias are to be sung by heart as composed by the Author (abiding by tonality, language, and arrangement). In addition, if an aria was composed with the classical sequence (recitative, cantabile and cabaletta) or with the ABA structure (for the 18th century music), such aria is to be sung in full.
1. PRELIMINARY: Thursday, September 29.
All participants are to be present at the Cielo d’Alcamo Theatre for the roll-call. A drawing will immediately follow of a letter for establishing the order of performances based on the initial letter of singers’ last name. This order will remain the same for the three phases of the Contest. In the event that a singer will not have the time to rehearse with a pianist or if organizational reasons prevent rehearsals between singer and pianist, such singer will be allowed to have a short meeting with pianist immediately prior to his/her impromptu performance.
Note: The time of the roll call for this phase will be notified to the participants by e-mail and on the Contest’s Facebook page.
Each singer will perform the two pieces that he/she has chosen for the Eliminatory Round as indicated in his/her Application Form. The pianist will verify that the arias comply with the two ones specified in the Application Form. At the end of this phase, the Jury will inform singers on who has been admitted to the semi-finals.
2. SEMIFINALS: Friday, September 30.
Singers are to be present at the Cielo d’Alcamo Theatre at 09:00 a.m. for the roll-call. In the event that a singer will not have the time to rehearse with a pianist or if organizational reasons prevent rehearsals between singer and pianist, such singer will be allowed to have a short meeting with pianist immediately prior to his/her impromptu performance.
Each singer will perform the two pieces specified the list submitted with the application. The pianist will verify that the arias comply with those specified in the Application Form. At the end of the semi-final phase, the Jury will inform on those who will be admitted to the Final phase. The number of those admitted to the Finals will be established by the Jury.
3. FINALS: Saturday, October 1.
Starting at 9:00 a.m., singers will meet with pianists at the Cielo d’Alcamo Theatre. Performances before the Jury will start afterwards.
Each singer will perform the other two arias specified in his/her application form. No participant is allowed to sing an aria that he/she already sang in the eliminatory or semi-final phases.

Viorica Cortez – 女中音 – 評委主席 / 羅馬尼亞
Lella  Cuberli – 女高音 –  美國
Hubert Soudant – Olanda管弦樂團總監
ü 評委由國際傑出的音樂家和音樂教授團隊組成;
ü 評委的評審結果是最終的,不容置疑。


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