世界上著名的法國芭蕾舞大師Serge Lifer 曾經說過:“瓦爾納國際芭蕾舞比賽是芭蕾舞歷史上的一座里程碑”。 英國芭蕾舞大師Arnold Haskell 說過:“瓦爾納國際芭蕾舞比賽是一個合作,友誼,與專業相融合的典範。”
在過去的20多屆比賽中,有來自35個國家的2000多名選手參賽。在2012年第25屆瓦爾納國際芭蕾舞比賽中, 遼寧芭蕾舞團舞蹈學校的汪慶欣、張超藝雙雙摘得少年組金獎;何泰昱摘得少年組評委會特別大獎,同時還獲得“埃米爾·迪米特洛夫”獎。這是繼呂萌榮獲第20屆瓦爾納評委會特別大獎,相隔10年之後,遼寧芭蕾舞團再次摘得此項特別大獎,可謂是成就了中國選手在國際芭蕾舞賽事上的輝煌。
比賽時間:2016年7月15日 – 2015年7月30日 (共計16天)
A組——青少年組 26歲以下(1990年7月15日——1997年7月14日出生)
B組——少年組 15至19歲(1997年7月15日——2001年7月14日出生)
FIRST ROUND – Obligatory classical choreography
Competitors perform, at their own choice, one pas de deux (adagio, variation and coda) or two variations from the obligatory repertoire listed below:
1)ADAM “Giselle”
– Variation of Giselle, Act I, Chor. Petipa, music Minkus
– Pas de deux, Act I, Chor. Perrot, Coralli, Petipa
– Entree and variation of Myrtha, Act II, Chor. Perrot, Coralli, Petipa
– Grand pas de deux of Giselle and Albert, Act II, Chor. Perrot, Coralli, Petipa
2)ADAM “Le Corsaire”
– Pas de deux of Medora and the Slave, Act I, Chor. Petipa
– Pas de deux of the Slave Girl and the Merchant, Act II, Chor. Petipa, music Drigo
3)ARMSHEIMER “The Cavalry Camp”
– Pas de deux of Maria and Peter, Chor. Petipa
4)ASSAFYEV “The Flames of Paris”
– Pas de deux, Chor. Vainonen
5)GLAZOUNOV “Raymonda”
– Grand pas de deux of Raymonda and de Brienne, Act III, Chor. Petipa
6)DELIBES “Coppelia”
– Pas de deux of Swanilda and Franz, Act II, Chor. Saint -Leon, Petipa
7)DRIGO “Esmeralda”
– Pas de deux of Diana and Acteon, Chor. Vaganova
8)LOEVENSKJOLD “La Sylphide” (Sylphiden)
– Variations from the pas de deux, Chor. Bournonville
9)MINKUS “La Bayadere”
– Pas de deux of Nikia and Solor, Act II, Chor. Petipa
– Three variations of the Shades, Act III Chor. Petipa (each variation is a separate entry), Chor. Petipa
10)MINKUS “Don Quixote”
– Grand pas de deux of Quitry and Basil, Act IV, Chor. Petipa, Gorsky
– Variation of Quitry, Act I, Chor. Petipa
– Variation of the Mistress of the Driads, Chor. Petipa
11)MINKUS “Paquita”
– Variations from the pas de trois, Chor. Petipa
– Variations from the Grand pas, Chor. Petipa (each variation to be performed as an independent one), Chor. Petipa
12)AUBER “Classical Pas de Deux”
Chor. V. Gsovsky
13)PAULLI “Napoli”
– Variations, Chor. Bournonville
14)PAULLI “The Kermis in Bruges”
– Pas de deux, Chor. Bournonville
15)PUGNI “Satanila”
– Pas de deux, Chor. Petipa
16)HELSTED “Festival of the Flowers in Genzano”
– Pas de deux, Chor. Bournonville
17)HERTEL “La Fille mal gardee”
– Pas de deux of Lisa and Colin, Act II, Chor. Petipa, Gorsky
18)TCHAIKOVSKY “Swan Lake”
– Adagio, variation and coda of Odette and Siegfried, Act II (only ballerinas can compete), the partner must dance variation from the ballet after the adagio; music must be compiled, Chor. Lev Ivanov
– Variation from pas de trois, Act I, Chor. Petipa
– Pas de deux of Odile and Siegfried, Act III, Chor. Petipa
19)TCHAIKOVSKY “The Sleeping Beauty”
– Variation of Lilac Fairy, Act I, Chor. Petipa, Lopukhov
– Variation of Aurora, Act I, Chor. Petipa
– Variation of Prince Charming (Desire), Act II, Chor. Petipa
– Variation of Lilac Fairy, Act III, Chor. Petipa-Lopukhov
– Pas de deux of Florina and the Blue Bird, Act III, Chor. Petipa
– Pas de deux of Aurora and Desire, Act III, Chor. Petipa, Sergeev
20)TCHAIKOVSKY “The Nutcracker”
– Pas de deux of Sugar Plum Fairy and the Prince, Act II, Chor. Vainonen
1. All variations from the above listed “Pas de deux” and “Pas de trois” can be performed as independent entries.
2. In all three rounds solo dancers perform their two variations in one competition night.
In the Second Round all competitors perform two dances, not performed in the First Round, in one night:
a) a pas de deux (adagio, variation and coda) or two variations (at competitor’s choice) from the classical ballet repertoire, created by the end of the 19th century.
b) a contemporary work of the competitor’s choice choreographed in the last five years, i.e. after July 15th, 2011, not exceeding 6 minutes.
1. Contemporary choreography covers a broad spectrum of subjects and reflects the modern man’s views and understanding of the world. It is connected with full or partial denial of the classical dance system and its replacement with different modern dance systems, jazz-dance, free plastique, etc. or complex combinations of classical dance elements with other dance systems including (besides the ones mentioned above) elements of folk dances, ball dances, pantomime, sport and acrobatic movements, etc. The principle difference between classical and contemporary choreography lies in the idea, the concept, the form (dance system) and the contents of the work.
2. There may not be more than 5 changes in the lighting of the contemporary choreography works.
All competitors perform two dances, not performed in the First and Second Rounds, in one night:
a) a pas de deux (adagio, variation and coda) or two variations (at competitor’s choice) from the classical ballet repertoire, created after the end of the 19th century.
b) a contemporary work of the competitor’s choice choreographed in the last ten years, i.e. after July 15th, 2006, not exceeding 6 minutes.
1. There may not be more than 5 changes in the lighting of the contemporary choreography works.