
比賽是為了紀念蘇格蘭鋼琴家及作曲家Lamond· Frederic(1868-1948年)而舉行的,他曾師從馮·彪羅,李斯特等人,其演奏得到勃拉姆斯、彪羅、柴可夫斯基的高度稱讚。在施納貝爾錄製貝多芬鋼琴奏鳴曲全集之前長達半個世紀的時間裏,他的貝多芬演繹一直被視為典範。其演奏熱情奔放,充滿陽剛之氣,與施納貝爾智性靈動的處理形成鮮明的對照。 他是典型浪漫派風格的鋼琴家,對於作品的節奏處理比較自由隨意,拉蒙德最優秀的錄音還是他演奏的李斯特的作品。他演奏的李斯特改編自舒伯特藝術歌曲的《魔王》充分顯示了其驚人的技巧和出眾的控制能力:連續的八度快速同音重複彈奏得清楚飽滿,對《魔王》中三種不同性格的旋律刻劃之生動不亞於聲樂的演唱。最可貴的是他沒有僅僅醉心於技巧的表現,而是將豐富的情感灌注於音樂之中,這也是繼承了李斯特演奏風格的特點。


比賽地點:英國 蘇格蘭(格拉斯哥)

比賽時間:2017年9月1日 – 2017年9月10日 (共計10天)



Prescreening Stage:
Applications must be accompanied by a recent video recording of high professional standard, lasting between 30-35 minutes and representing various styles of the applicant’s solo playing (i.e. not with orchestral accompaniment). The performance must be unedited and certified as such by either the recording engineer or the applicant’s teacher. The preferred method for receiving the video recording is via a web link, such as YouTube, Vimeo, Youku, Video.qq or any other suitable, high quality video hosting website.
Competition Stages
(i) The Competition will have four Stages. Stages 1, 2 and 3 will be solo recitals in the Concert Hall of the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland. Stage 4 will be a concerto performance with the Royal Scottish National Orchestra in the Glasgow Royal Concert Hall.
(ii) All competitors will play in Stages 1 and 2.
(iii) A maximum of ten competitors will be selected to play in the Stage 3 Semi-
(iv) Three competitors will be selected to play in Stage 4 Final with Orchestra.
Repertoire Requirements
Stages 1 and 2 comprise of two, separate solo recitals given on different days. Each recital should not exceed 30 minutes, including applause and pauses. The programmes offered over the combined Stage 1 and Stage 2 recitals must include the following:
(i) An original work(s) from the baroque era (no transcriptions permitted). Repeats are at the discretion of the competitor.
(ii) Two Etudes by different composers
(iii) One complete work from the classical period, 1750-1828.
The remaining repertoire for the Stage 1 and Stage 2 recitals is entirely free choice.
Stage 1 Recital
Subject to (i), (ii) and (iii) above, a solo recital with the maximum duration of 30 minutes, which includes applause and pauses.
Stage 2 Recital
Subject to (i), (ii) and (iii) above, a solo recital with the maximum duration of 30 minutes, which includes applause and pauses.
Works performed in Stage 1 may not be repeated in Stage 2.
Stage 3 Semi-Final Recital
(i) The maximum duration of the semi-final programme, which includes applause and pauses, is 60 minutes. Repeats are to be at the artistic discretion of the competitor.
(ii) Works performed in Stages 1 and Stage 2 may not be repeated in Stage 3.
(iii) A commissioned work (duration 5-7 minutes) written by Scottish composer Gordon McPherson will be included in Stage 3. The score of the commissioned work will be sent to each competitor shortly after acceptance for the Competition.
(iv) Subject to (ii) and (iii) above, in addition to the compulsory commissioned work,
competitors have a free choice of works for the Stage 3 semi-final recital.
Note: It must be emphasised that the maximum duration of programmes in Stages 1, 2 and 3, which includes applause and pauses, should be adhered to strictly. The Chairman of the Jury may stop performances which exceed the permitted duration.
Stage 4
Each of the three finalists will play a concerto with the Royal Scottish National Orchestra at the Glasgow Royal Concert Hall on 10 September 2017.
Competitors should be prepared to present one concerto selected from the following list:
Concerto no. 1, Sz 83
Concerto no. 3, Sz 119
Concerto no. 1 in C major, op.15
Concerto no. 2 in B flat major, op.19
Concerto no. 3 in C minor, op.37
Concerto no. 4 in G major, op.58
Concerto no. 5 in E flat major, op.73
Concerto no. 1 in D minor, op. 15
Concerto no. 2 in B flat major, op. 83
Concerto No. 1 in E Minor, Op. 11
Concerto no. 2 in F minor, op.21
Concerto no. 1 in E flat major
Concerto No. 2 in A Major
Concerto in D minor K466
Concerto in E flat major K482
Concerto in A major K488
Concerto in C minor K491
Concerto in C major K503
Concerto in B flat major K595
Concerto no. 2 in G minor, op.16
Concerto no. 3 in C major, op. 26
Concerto no. 1 in F sharp minor, op.1
Concerto no. 2 in C minor, op. 18
Concerto no. 3 in D minor, op. 30
Rhapsody on a Theme by Paganini
Concerto in G major
Concerto No 2 in G minor
Concerto in A minor, op.54
Concerto No. 1
Concerto No. 2 (complete)
Choice of programmes
The Competition Jury will take particular account of the breadth and depth of the repertoire offered by a competitor and of the design of the programmes as a whole.
All repertoire in the Competition should be played by memory, with the exception of the commissioned work, which may be played using the score. In addition, permission to use a score for a complex contemporary piece may be granted if the competitor requests this when submitting details of their programme.

Aaron Shorr (評委主席)
Olga Kern
Steven Osborne
Ivary Ilya

一等獎: 10000英鎊 + “Alexander Stone Memorial”獎盃 + “Frederic Lamond”金牌;
二等獎:7500英鎊 + “Lawrence Glover”銀牌;
三等獎: 5000英鎊 + “Douglas McKerrell Memorial”獎項;

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