利塞奧大劇院與馬德里、巴黎、倫敦、漢堡、米蘭、紐約、洛杉磯、北京的一些大劇院達成協議,在這些地方舉行預選賽。決賽在巴賽隆納的利塞奧大劇院舉行,並且由利塞奧大劇院管弦樂隊伴奏。利塞奧大劇院建於1847年,它一直是巴塞羅納的標誌性建築,也是西班牙最重要的歌劇院,被譽為歐洲的第二大歌劇院。19世紀到20世紀之間最著名的藝術家和音樂團體均曾在此演出。利塞奧大劇院交響樂團是世界上最優秀的、也是演出最繁重的交響樂團之一,由於劇院演出安排非常緊密,樂團很少舉辦巡演。 因此樂團始終保持著一種神秘感。近年由樂團優秀演奏家組成的室內樂團開始在世界各地舉辦音樂會,這終於使得世界音樂愛好者有機會欣賞該樂團的精湛演出。
A. 歌劇組
B. 清唱-利德組
比賽時間:2017年1月15日 – 2017年1月22日 (共計8天)
The contestant must indicate on the Application Form the type of voice (soprano, mezzo-soprano, contralto, counter-tenor, tenor, baritone, bass-baritone or bass) as well as the classification in which he or she will participate: Opera or Oratorio-Lied (participation in both classifications is not possible) and if he or she wishes to compete for any of the Special Prizes.
l For the Opera Classification the contestant must present:
For the Preliminary Audition: 1 opera aria.
For the Final Round: 5 opera arias
Opera Classification also includes: concert arias, zarzuela arias (a maximum of 2), operetta arias (a maximum of 1). At least 3 out of the 5 works of the Final Round must be opera arias.
l For the Oratorio-Lied Classification the contestant must present:
For the Preliminary Audition: 1 oratorio aria, 1 song.
For the Final Round: 3 oratorio arias, 5 songs.
Oratorio includes Cantata, Mass, Motet, Passion, etc.; and Lied includes melodies and classical, romantic or modern Lieder.
– The program chosen by the contestants must be made up of at least four works preferably from the following repertories: German, Italian, French, English, Latin, Russian, Spanish and Catalan; other languages are accepted. Contestants must sing in at least two languages. The works will be sung preferably from memory and always in the original language.
– The 54th Francisco Viñas Contest will take place in two phases:
The Preliminary Auditions will take place on:
·November 03: Opéra National de Paris;
·November 08: Los Angeles Opera;
·November 11: Teatro Real, Madrid,
·November 12: Bolshoi Theatre of Russia, Moscow;
·November 14: The Metropolitan Opera, New York
·November 14 : National Centre for the Performing Arts of China, Beijing;
·November 15 : Royal Opera House Covent Garden, London;
·November 17 and 18: Deutsche Oper, Berlin;
·November 18: Teatro alla Scala, Milan;
·January 11 to 13, 2017 : Gran Teatre del Liceu, Barcelona (in the Conservatori Superior de Música del Liceu).
The candidates will be notified with the time schedule and exact address of the auditions once the registration form is received.
At this Preliminary Audition the contestant will sing:
Opera Classification.- 1 opera aria
Oratorio-Lied Classification.- 1 oratorio aria, 1 song
The works will be chosen by the contestant and will not be sung again at the Final Round. The contestant’s performance may not exceed 5 minutes for the Opera Classification and 8 minutes for the Oratorio-Lied Classification.
Results will be announced to the contestant by the secretariat of the competition and the list of contestants selected for the Final Round will be posted on the Contest website.
The Final Round
Ø Second Audition.- The contestant will sing:
Opera Classification.- 1 opera aria.
Oratorio-Lied Classification.- 1 oratorio aria, 1 song.
The works will be chosen by the contestant from his or her program. The contestant’s performance may not exceed 5 minutes for the Opera Classification and 8 minutes for the Oratorio-Lied Classification. The Jury reserves the right to suppress part of any work presented.
Ø Semifinal Audition.- The contestant will sing:
Opera Classification.- 2 opera arias.
Oratorio-Lied Classification.- 1 oratorio aria, 2 songs.
The works will be chosen by the contestant from those on his or her program not sung in the Second Audition. They may be sung in the order desired. According to the length of the Semifinal Audition, the Jury may decide to omit one work. In any case the duration of the contestant’s performances may not exceed 10 minutes for the Opera Classification and for the Oratorio-Lied Classification. The Jury reserves the right to suppress part of any work presented.
Ø Final Audition.- The contestant will sing
Opera Classification.- 2 opera arias.
Oratorio-Lied Classification.- 1 oratorio aria, 2 songs (the 2 songs must be by Schubert for the contestants applying for the Schubertiade prize).
The works will be chosen by the contestant from those on his or her program not sung during the Second or the Semifinal Auditions. However, the Jury, if it sees fit, reserves the right of requesting the contestant to repeat a work previously sung, in which case the contestant will be notified in advance. The contestant may sing the works in the order desired. According to the length of the Final Audition the Jury may decide to omit one selection. The Jury reserves the right to suppress part of any work presented.
Ø The contestants in the Opera Classification who compete for the Wagner, must proceed as follows:
Two of the five arias selected on the application form will be by Wagner.
One will be sung in the SemifinalAudition and the other in the Final Audition.
The contestants who compete for the Mozart Special Prize or the Russian Music Special Prize must proceed as follows:
Opera Classification: two of the five opera arias must be by Mozart or Russian Music, respectively. One will be sung in the Semifinal Audition and the other in the Final Audition.
Oratorio-Lied Classification: two songs and one oratorio aria must be by Mozart or Russian Music, respectively. One of the songs will be sung in the Semifinal Audition and the oratorio aria and the othersong in the Final Audition.
The contestants in the Opera Classification who compete for the Zarzuela Special Prize must proceed as follows:
Two of the works selected on the application form must be Zarzuela.
One of the selections will be sung in the Semifinal Audition and the other in the Final Audition.
The Concert for Winners and the Prize Presentation Ceremony are compulsory for all those who have been awarded an Official Prize (First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth or Sixth), Special Prize or Extraordinary Prize. Failure to participate in this concert and to attend the Prize distribution will signify the surrender of the prize by the winner. Monetary prizes will be paid by transfer.
1. 資格賽:具體陪審成員待定,將由組委會在參賽地點選拔;
2. 正式比賽:
Christina Scheppelmann (陪審主席 / 德國), 巴賽隆納裏西奧大劇院藝術總監;
Grace Bumbry (美國), 女中音;
Jaume Aragall (西班牙), 男高音;
Toni Gradsack (奧地利), 選角導演, 米蘭斯卡拉歌劇院;
Christoph Seuferle (德國), 柏林德意志歌劇院總監;
Makvala Kasrashbili (喬治亞共和國-俄國), 女高音, 俄羅斯莫斯科大劇院總監助理;
Peter Mario Katona (德國), 選角導演, 倫敦柯芬園皇家歌劇院;
Guillermo Scarabino (阿根廷), 藝術製作總監, Colón de Buenos Aires劇院;
Joan Matabosch (西班牙), 藝術總監,馬德里皇家劇院;
Lenore Rosenberg (美國), 藝術管理員,美國紐約思波雷托音樂節大都會歌劇院USA;
Ilias Tzempetonidis (希臘), 選角導演, 巴黎國家歌劇院.
ü 評審團由國際傑出的音樂家和音樂教授團隊組成;
ü 評審團的評審結果是最終的,不容置疑。
1. 主要獎項
1)“Francisco Viñas”大獎:25.000 € + 鍍金銀牌紀念獎,以及一份與組委會簽訂的未來賽季的演出合同;
2)二等獎:15.000 € + 銀牌紀念獎;
3)三等獎:11.000 € + 銅牌紀念獎;
4)四等獎:8.000 €;
5)五等獎:7.000 €;
6)六等獎:6.000 €;
ü 所有選手都會被授予一份榮譽證書;
ü 所有參賽選手均可爭奪上述官方獎項;
ü 所有現金獎項須依據西班牙稅法納稅。
2. 特殊獎項:
1) 特殊獎項5.000 歐元,授予決賽男高音;
2) 特殊獎項3.000歐元,授予莫紮特曲目的最佳演繹者;
3) 特殊獎項“Victoria de los ángeles”3.000 歐元,授予清唱-利德組的最佳演繹者;
4) 特殊獎項:與獲勝者簽訂一份未來賽季音樂會演出的合同,授予查瑞拉小輕歌劇的最佳演繹者;
5) 特殊獎項2.000歐元,授予瓦格納曲目的最佳演繹者;
6) 特殊獎項:授予俄國音樂的最佳演繹者,邀請其參加由Concerlirica組織的2017年音樂會(由承辦方承擔2000歐元的交通和住宿費);
7) 特殊獎項:授予清唱-利德組決賽中演唱兩首舒伯特利德曲目的選手,邀請其參加西班牙下一季的舒伯特音樂會演出。
8) 特殊獎項僅授予各組中表現突出的決賽選手。
ü 另有其他更多特殊獎項;
ü 所有榮獲組委會主要獎項(一至六等獎)、特殊獎項以及特別獎項的選手均須參加獲勝者音樂會演出;未如期出席的選手將被取消獲獎資格;所有的現金獎項通過銀行轉賬支付;