
GFA是美國吉他聯合會(Guitar Foundation of America)的簡稱。GFA的比賽始於1982年,它的成人組比賽是目前世界上最高水準的比賽之一。GFA從2005年開始,增設國際青年吉他比賽(18歲以下),從2007年開始,又從青年比賽中分出少年組(14歲及以下),2016年少年組14歲的中國選手王天戈參加的是少年組的比賽,並在美國GFA國際吉他大賽中一舉奪魁,獲得少年組冠軍。
2017年第35屆美國加州吉他音樂會藝術大師賽將於2017年6月19日 – 2017年6月24日在美國加州福勒頓舉行,我們期待您的參與!

比賽地點:美國 加州(福勒頓)

比賽時間:2017年6月19日 – 2017年6月24日(共計6天)



Required Piece: 1st movement of Sonatina for guitar (1957), Op. 52 no.1 by Lennox Berkeley.
Competitors’ Orientation Meeting, June 18, 8:00 p.m. This meeting is required of all competitors. This meeting will determine the performance order for the three-day Preliminary Round by means of a Lottery – numerical order draw. If you have a travel delay that prevents you from attending the meeting, you will need to provide proof upon arrival of earlier travel plans to be granted a slot in the Preliminary Round. If you have any other reason that you cannot attend the meeting, you must write to and receive a reply from the Artistic Director between the dates of May 20-June 10 to receive permission to have your performance order drawn by a GFA staff person in your absence. Any registered competitors who do not either receive advance permission to miss the meeting for good cause or do not have a documented travel delay will not be allowed to compete.
All competitors are required to submit their free choices for all rounds via a link on our website (to be provided after the registration deadline has closed). Any changes to your submitted program may be made until June 10, after which programs may not be altered.
June 19-21, 2017: performance before a panel of five (5) judges. This round will be open to the public.
Each candidate must perform the following in the order of their choice:
1. Set Piece; a work specially composed for the competition, herein after referred to the “set piece”. Each registered competitor will receive the set piece on May 2 after receipt of all registration fees and materials by the declared Deadline Date.
2. A free choice program not to exceed ten (10) minutes.
The judges have the option of stopping the candidate during any of these performances. All works in all rounds are to be performed from memory with the exception of the set piece, for which memorization is optional. Should you choose to read the score, a page-turner will be permitted.
Twelve (12) competitors from this round will advance to the Semifinal Round. Announcement of the twelve competitors to advance will be made Thursday evening at the beginning of Intermission. All decisions by the judges are final.
June 22, 10:00 am – 4:00 pm: Performance order for this round will be determined by a Lottery – numerical order draw. The twelve (12) candidates will perform before a panel of seven (7) new judges. This round is open to the public.
The selections for this round will be:
1. Free choice piece(s) not to exceed ten (10) minutes
2. Required Piece: 1st movement of Sonatina for guitar (1957), Op. 52 no.1 by Lennox Berkeley.
Pieces from previous rounds may NOT be repeated in later rounds.
The competitor may choose to play their free choice or the required piece first, at their discretion. The total performance time, including the required piece, must not exceed the length of the required piece plus the ten (10) minute free choice program. Players will be timed from the moment the first note is played (initial entry/tuning time will not be counted provided it is within reason), and the timer will run throughout the performance, including the time between pieces. The timer will be stopped at the first note of the required piece and resume at the conclusion of the required piece. Players who exceed the ten (10) minute time limit on their free choice program will be stopped.
Four (4) competitors from this round will advance to the Final Round. Announcement of the four (4) competitors to advance will be made Friday evening at the beginning of Intermission.
June 24, 2017 6:30 pm, with live webcast: Performance order for this round will be determined by a Lottery – numerical order draw. Four (4) candidates will perform before a panel of the same seven (7) judges. This round is open to the public.
Finalists will perform their free choice program along with the Set Piece.
The total performance time, including the Set Piece, must not exceed the length of the Set Piece plus the twenty-five (25) minute program. Players will be timed from the moment the first note is played (initial entry/tuning time will not be counted provided it is within reason), and the timer will run throughout the performance, including the time between pieces. The timer will be stopped at the first note of the set piece and resume at the conclusion of the Set Piece. Players who exceed the twenty-five (25) minute time limit on their free choice program will be stopped.
Pieces from previous rounds may NOT be repeated in later rounds. All decisions by the judges are final.



– 10000美元現金
– 音樂會巡迴演出,近50場音樂會演出分別散佈在美國、加拿大、墨西哥、南美、波斯尼亞和黑塞格維納、英國和中國
– Naxos視頻錄製
– Mel Bay公開出版發行
– 除了 Planet Waves吉他飾品以外,支持3年D’Addario 吉他琴弦(52根/年)
– 由Savarez提供的通用琴弦包
– 由Contrastes Records負責支持發行CD、宣傳冊設計,以及紙質和數碼行銷;
2. 二等獎:
– 7000美元現金;
– 除了 Planet Waves吉他飾品以外,支持3年D’Addario 吉他琴弦(52根/年)
– 由Savarez提供的通用琴弦包
– 由Augustine提供的通用琴弦包;
3. 三等獎:
– 5000美元現金
– 除了 Planet Waves吉他飾品以外,支持3年D’Addario 吉他琴弦(52根/年)
– 由Savarez提供的通用琴弦包
– 由Augustine提供的通用琴弦包;
4. 四等獎:
– 3000美元現金
– 除了 Planet Waves吉他飾品以外,支持3年D’Addario 吉他琴弦(52根/年)
– 由Savarez提供的通用琴弦包
– 由Augustine提供的通用琴弦包

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