獎項設置 award setting
90分以上 一等獎;
85-89.99分 二等獎;
80-84.99分 三等獎;
70-79.99分 優秀獎;
69.99分以下 參賽證書。
2、如果冠軍、亞軍、季軍選手得分未達到組委會和評 委團共同制定的演奏水準及分數線,将會出現名次空缺的情況。其中,
冠 軍 須在(含)94分以上
亞 軍 須在(含)92分以上
季 軍 須在(含)90分以上
一等獎 獎狀 90分以上
二等獎 獎狀 85-89.99分
三等獎 獎狀 80-84.99分
優秀獎 獎狀 70-79.99分
參賽證書 獎狀 69.99分以下
獎金 MYR 20000.00 獎盃 獎狀
冠 軍 現金 MYR 5000.00 獎盃 獎狀
亞 軍 現金 MYR 2000.00 獎盃 奬狀
季 軍 現金 MYR 1000.00 奬盃 獎狀
第四名 奬盃 獎狀
第五名 奬盃 獎狀
冠 軍 現金 MYR 5000.00 獎盃 獎狀
亞 軍 現金 MYR 2000.00 獎盃 奬狀
季 軍 現金 MYR 1000.00 奬盃 獎狀
第四名 奬盃 獎狀
第五名 奬盃 獎狀
冠 軍 現金 MYR 5000.00 獎盃 獎狀
亞 軍 現金 MYR 2000.00 獎盃 奬狀
季 軍 現金 MYR 1000.00 奬盃 獎狀
第四名 奬盃 獎狀
第五名 奬盃 獎狀
冠 軍 現金 MYR 5000.00 獎盃 獎狀
亞 軍 現金 MYR 2000.00 獎盃 奬狀
季 軍 現金 MYR 1000.00 奬盃 獎狀
第四名 奬盃 獎狀
第五名 奬盃 獎狀
冠 軍 現金 MYR 5000.00 獎盃 獎狀
亞 軍 現金 MYR 2000.00 獎盃 奬狀
季 軍 現金 MYR 1000.00 奬盃 獎狀
第四名 奬盃 獎狀
第五名 奬盃 獎狀
冠 軍 現金 MYR 5000.00 獎盃 獎狀
亞 軍 現金 MYR 2000.00 獎盃 奬狀
季 軍 現金 MYR 1000.00 奬盃 獎狀
第四名 奬盃 獎狀
第五名 奬盃 獎狀
The prizes received by the winning contestants are pre-tax, and contestants should deduct tax in accordance with relevant laws, with a 20% withholding.
冠 軍 現金 MYR 5000.00 獎盃 獎狀
亞 軍 現金 MYR 2000.00 獎盃 獎狀
季 軍 現金 MYR 1000.00 獎盃 獎狀
第四名 奬盃 獎狀
第五名 奬盃 獎狀
最佳編曲獎 現金 MYR 1000.00 獎盃 獎狀
最佳創作獎 現金 MYR 1000.00 獎盃 獎狀
最佳主唱獎 現金 MYR 1000.00 獎盃 獎狀
最佳低音獎 現金 MYR 1000.00 獎盃 獎狀
最佳人聲打擊獎 現金 MYR 1000.00 獎盃 獎狀
冠 軍 現金 MYR 3000.00 獎盃 獎狀
亞 軍 現金 MYR 2000.00 獎盃 獎狀
季 軍 現金 MYR 1000.00 獎盃 獎狀
第四名 奬盃 獎狀
第五名 奬盃 獎狀
總冠軍 現金 MYR 8000.00 獎盃 獎狀
總亞軍 現金 MYR 3000.00 獎盃 獎狀
總季軍 現金 MYR 2000.00 獎盃 獎狀
冠軍 現金 MYR5000.00獎杰獎状指定歌曲演唱及錄音授權
亞軍 現金 MYR3000.00奬盃奬狀指定歌曲演唱及錄音授權
季軍 現金 MYR1000.00 獎杰奬狀指定歌曲演唱及錄音授權
冠軍 獎盃 獎狀
亞軍 獎盃 獎狀
季軍 獎盃 獎狀
第四名 獎狀
第五名 獎狀
The prizes received by the winning contestants are pre-tax, and contestants should deduct tax in accordance with relevant laws, with a 20% withholding.
Rules for awarding prizes in the preliminary round
Marks are given on a 100 marks scale.
90 or above First Class Award,
85-89.99 Second Class Award,
80-84.99 Third Class Award,
70-79.99 Merit Award,
69.99 or below Participant Award.
Participants achieving Third Class Awardor higher will be granted admission to theFinal in Malaysia.
Rules for awarding prizes in the Final
Rules for awarding prizes
1、Prizes to be awarded in each class of the competition:1st,2nd, 3rd prizes, and the first award, the second award andthe third class award,merit award and participant award.
2、lf the 1st, 2nd, 3rd prizes, contestants with the highestmarks still do not reach the corresponding standard approvedbythejudges, prizes will not be awarded.First prize winner should attain at least 94 marks (inclusive).
3、In case of a tie in scores, the rankings will be tied, and theprize money will be shared equally.
All contestants will be awarded the following certificates
First Class Award Certificate 90 marks or above
Second Class Award Certificate 85-89.99 marks
Third Class Award Certificate 80-84.99 marks
Merit Award Certificate 70-79.99 marks
Participant Award Certificate 69.99 marks or below
2025 Hong Kong InternationalMusician Award
Cash MYR 20000.00 Trophy Certificate
*The jury will select the two best singers from the Concert of Excellence to receive this awardaward and share the total prize money equally.
Operatic open class
First Prize Cash MYR 5000.00 Trophy Certificate
Second Prize Cash MYR 2000.00 Trophy Certificate
Third Prize Cash MYR 1000.00 Trophy Certificate
Fourth Prizes Trophy Certificate
Fifth Prizes Trophy Certificate
Art Songs Open Class
First Prize Cash MYR 5000.00 Trophy Certificate
Second Prize Cash MYR 2000.00 Trophy Certificate
Third Prize Cash MYR 1000.00 Trophy Certificate
Fourth Prizes Trophy Certificate
Fifth Prizes Trophy Certificate
World Folk Songs Open Class
First Prize Cash MYR 5000.00 Trophy Certificate
Second Prize Cash MYR 2000.00 Trophy Certificate
Third Prize Cash MYR 1000.00 Trophy Certificate
Fourth Prizes Trophy Certificate
Fifth Prizes Trophy Certificate
Pop Songs Open Class
First Prize Cash MYR 5000.00 Trophy Certificate
Second Prize Cash MYR 2000.00 Trophy Certificate
Third Prize Cash MYR 1000.00 Trophy Certificate
Fourth Prizes Trophy Certificate
Fifth Prizes Trophy Certificate
Youth Junior Open Class
First Prize Cash MYR 5000.00 Trophy Certificate
Second Prize Cash MYR 2000.00 Trophy Certificate
Third Prize Cash MYR 1000.00 Trophy Certificate
Fourth Prizes Trophy Certificate
Fifth Prizes Trophy Certificate
Malaysia (Art Song) Class
First Prize Cash MYR 5000.00 Trophy Certificate
Second Prize Cash MYR 2000.00 Trophy Certificate
Third Prize Cash MYR 1000.00 Trophy Certificate
Fourth Prizes Trophy Certificate
Fifth Prizes Trophy Certificate
Contemporary A Cappella open class
First Prize Cash MYR 5000.00 Trophy Certificate
Second Prize Cash MYR 2000.00 Trophy Certificate
Third Prize Cash MYR 1000.00 Trophy Certificate
Fourth Prizes Trophy Certificate
Fifth Prizes Trophy Certificate
Best Arrangement Award Cash MYR 1000.00 Trophy Certificate
Best Composition Award Cash MYR 1000.00 Trophy Certificate
Best Singer Award Cash MYR 1000.00 Trophy Certificate
Best Bass Award Cash MYR 1000.00 TrophyCertificate
Best Vocal Percussionist Award Cash MYR 1000.00 Trophy Certificate
Song Playing and Singing class
First Prize Cash MYR 3000.00 Trophy Certificate
Second Prize Cash MYR 2000.00 Trophy Certificate
Third Prize Cash MYR 1000.00 Trophy Certificate
Fourth Prizes Trophy Certificate
Fifth Prizes Trophy Certificate
Choral Session
Overall winner Cash MYR 8000.00 Trophy Certificate
Overall runner-up Cash MYR 3000.00 Trophy Certificate
Overall third place Cash MYR 2000.00 Trophy Certificate
Rare Echo Award
Ten First Prize winners from all classes will be selected andgiven Rare Echo Award, along with a tailored original song.
(Includingall production: lyrics/Composition/Arrangement/ Recording/ Mastering,as well as global distribution and promotional services)
International Outstanding Teacher Award
Tutors of the First, Second and Third Prizes winners willreceive International Excellent Vocal Tutor Certificateawarded by HK IMA.
ASWARA Special Award
No limited by age, gender or nationalityContent Requirement: Perform the specified song by ASWARA (Please visitwww.hkvocal.com to download the track)
First Prize Cash MYR 5000.00 Trophy Certificate(Authorization for singing and recording the specified songs)
Second Prize Cash MYR 3000.00 Trophy Certificate(Authorization for singing and recording the specified songs)
Third Prize Cash MYR 1000.00 Trophy Certificate(Authorization for singing and recording the specified songs)
Other Classes
First Prize Trophy Certificate
Second Prize Trophy Certificate
Third Prize Trophy Certificate
Fourth Prizes Certificate
Fifth Prizes Certificate