大提琴组别及曲目 Cello Category and Repertoire

第一組  公開組

年齡限於35歲以下 (19887月20日後出生)


· 曲目總長25分鐘以內
· 參賽者須演奏下列所有曲目

1、練習曲一首: 選自波佩爾的高等大提琴教程,練習曲40首 Op. 73或皮亞蒂的12首大提琴隨想曲Op.25
勃拉姆斯e小調第1號大提琴奏鳴曲Op. 38
勃拉姆斯F大調第2號大提琴奏鳴曲Op. 99
貝多芬F大調第1號大提琴奏鳴曲,Op. 5/1
貝多芬g小調第2號大提琴奏鳴曲,Op. 5/2
貝多芬A大調第3號大提琴奏鳴曲,Op. 69
貝多芬C大調第4號大提琴奏鳴曲,Op. 102/1
貝多芬D大調第5號大提琴奏鳴曲,Op. 102/2
肖斯塔科維奇d小調大提琴與鋼琴奏鳴曲,Op. 40
普羅科菲耶夫C大調大提琴奏鳴曲,Op. 119
蕭邦g小調大提琴奏鳴曲,Op. 65


· 曲目演奏全長40至45分鐘
· 參賽者須演下列所有曲目

德沃夏克b小調大提琴協奏曲Op. 104, B. 191之第一或第三樂章
普羅科菲耶夫e小調交響協奏曲Op. 125之任意一個樂章
舒曼a小調大提琴協奏曲Op. 129 之第一或第三樂章
埃尔加e小调大提琴协奏曲Op. 85 之第二或第四乐章


第二組 青年組

26歲以下 (1997年7月20日後出生)
· 曲目總長30分鐘以內
· 參賽者須演奏下列所有曲目

1、選自波佩爾的高等大提琴教程,練習曲40首Op. 73或皮亞蒂12首大提琴隨想曲中任何一首
2、一首浪漫主義時期奏鳴曲 (第一樂章)

第三組 少年A組

· 曲目總長20分鐘以內
· 參賽者須演奏下列所有曲目


第四組 少年B組

· 曲目總長15分鐘以內
· 參賽者須演奏下列所有曲目

1、選自波佩爾的高等大提琴教程,練習曲40首 Op. 73

第五組 兒童A組

13歲以下 (2010年7月20日後出生)
· 曲目總長12分鐘以內
· 參賽者須演奏下列所有曲目

2、大提琴協奏曲第一樂章 (如G.Goltermann,F.Dotzauer, B.Romberg等作曲家的協奏曲)

第六組 兒童B組

11歲以下 (2012年7月20日後出生)
· 曲目總長10分鐘以內
· 參賽者須演奏下列所有曲目



第七組 巴赫組


第八組 波切尼裏組


第九組 波佩爾組

1、任意一首練習曲,選自波佩爾的高等大提琴教程,練習曲40首 Op. 73
精靈之舞 Op. 39


第十組 奏鳴曲組

勃拉姆斯e小調第1號大提琴奏鳴曲Op. 38
勃拉姆斯F大調第2號大提琴奏鳴曲Op. 99
貝多芬F大調第1號大提琴奏鳴曲,Op. 5/1
貝多芬g小調第2號大提琴奏鳴曲,Op. 5/2
貝多芬A大調第3號大提琴奏鳴曲,Op. 69
貝多芬C大調第4號大提琴奏鳴曲,Op. 102/1
貝多芬D大調第5號大提琴奏鳴曲,Op. 102/2
肖斯塔科維奇d小調大提琴與鋼琴奏鳴曲,Op. 40
普羅科菲耶夫C大調大提琴奏鳴曲,Op. 119
蕭邦g小調大提琴奏鳴曲,Op. 65

第十一組 協奏曲A組


第十二組 協奏曲B組


第十三組 現代音樂獎

自選任意一首創作於1900年代以後的大提琴獨奏作品 難度相當於下列:
亨德密特大提琴奏鳴曲op.25 No.3


第十四組 自由選曲青年組

26歲以下 (1997年7月20日後出生)

第十五組 自由選曲少年組


第十六組 自由選曲A組


第十七組 自由選曲B組

13歲以下 (2010年7月20日後出生)

第十八組 自由選曲C組

11歲以下 (2012年7月20日後出生)

第十九組 自由選曲D組

9歲以下 (2014年7月20日後出生)

第二十組 自由選曲E組

7歲以下 (2016年7月20日後出生)


第二十一組 重奏組



第二十二組 齊奏A組


第二十三組 齊奏B組


No.1 Cello Open Class

Age under 35 (born after 20. 7.1988)

Preliminary Round
·Performance time may not exceed 25 minutes.
·All contestants will be required to play A,B and C.

A. An etude from the following:
1. David Popper – High School of Cello Playing 40 Etudes Op. 73
2. Alfredo Carlo Piatti- 12 Caprices for Solo Cello, Op.25
B. First movement of any of the following sonatas:
1. J.Brahms – Cello Sonata No.1 in E minor, Op. 38
2. J.Brahms – Cello Sonata No. 2 in F major, Op. 99
3. F.Schubert – Sonata for Cello & Piano in A minor, D.821 ”Arpeggione”
4. L.V.Beethoven – Cello Sonata No. 1 in F major, Op.5 No.1
5. L.V.Beethoven – Cello Sonata No. 2 in G minor Op. 5 No.2
6. L.V.Beethoven – Cello Sonata No. 3 in A major, Op. 69
7. L.V.Beethoven – Cello Sonata No. 4 in C major, Op. 102 No.1
8. L.V.Beethoven – Cello Sonata No. 5 in D major, Op. 102 No.2
9. D.Shostakovich -Sonata for Cello and Piano in D minor, Op. 40
10. S.Prokofiev – Cello Sonata in C major, Op.119
11. F.Chopin – Cello Sonata in G minor, Op. 65
12. C.Debussy – Sonata for Cello and Piano
C. First movement of cello concerto by J.Haydn or L.Boccherini

Final Round

·Performance time is between 40 to 50 minutes.
·All finalists will be required to play A,B and C.

A. One prelude from the Six Cello Suites by J.S.Bach
B. Any cello solo piece composed after the 1900s.
C. Any movement from any one of the following concertos:
1. A.Dvorak – Cello Concerto in B minor, Op. 104, B. 191
(first or third movement)
2. A.Khachaturian – Cello Concerto in E minor
(first or third movement)
3. E.Lalo – Cello Concerto in D minor
(first or third movement)
4. S.Prokofiev – Symphony-Concerto in E minor, Op.125
(any movement)
5. R.Schumann – Cello Concerto in A minor, Op.129
(first or third movement)
6. E.Elgar – Cello Concerto in E minor, Op 85
( second or forth movement)

Youth & Children Classes

No.2 Youth (Senior) Class

Age under 26 (born after 20.7.1997)
·Performance time may not exceed 30 minutes.
·All contestants will be required to play A,B and C.

A. Any one piece from the following:
1. David Popper – High School of Cello Playing 40 Etudes Op. 73
2. Alfredo Carlo Piatti – 12 Caprices for Solo Cello, Op.25
B. One Romantic sonata (first movement).
C. One virtuoso piece

No.3 Youth (Junior) Class A

Age under 17 (born after 20.7.2006)
·Performance time may not exceed 20 minutes.
·All contestants will be required to play A,B and C.

A. Any one piece from David Popper – High School of Cello
Playing 40 Etudes Op. 73
B. One Classical sonata (first movement)
C. One virtuoso piece

No.4 Youth (Junior) Class B

Age under 15 (born after 20.7.2008)
·Performance time may not exceed 15 minutes.
·All contestants will be required to play A and B.

A. Any one piece from David Popper – High Schoolof Cello Playing 40 Etudes Op. 73
B. One Baroque or Classical sonata(first and second movement)

No.5 Children Class A

Age under 13 (born after 20.7.2010)
·Performance time may not exceed 12 minutes.
·All contestants will be required to play A and B.
A. One virtuoso piece
B. First movement of any cello concerto by G. Goltermann,
F. Dotzauer, B. Romberg or other composers

No.6 Children Class B

Age under 11 (born after 20.7.2012)
·Performance time may not exceed 10 minutes.
·All contestants will be required to play A and B.

A. An etude
B. A baroque sonata(first movement)

Special Prize Classes

No.7 Johann Sebastian Bach Class

Prelude and Sarabande from any one of Six Cello Suites by J.S.Bach

No.8 Luigi Boccherini Class

First movement of any cello concerto by L.Boccherini

No.9 David Popper Class

All contestants will be required to play A and B.
A. Any etude from High School of Cello Playing 40 Etudes Op. 73
B. Any one of the following works for cello and piano:
Elfentanz (Dance of the Elves) ,Op.39
Hungarian Rhapsody, Op.68
Tarantella, Op.33
Fileuse (Spinning Song), Op.55
Polonaise de Concert Op. 14

Thematic classes

No.10 Sonata Class

Any of the following complete sonatas:
1. J.Brahms – Cello Sonata No. 1 in E minor, Op. 38
2. J.Brahms – Cello Sonata No.2 in F Major, Op. 99
3. F.Schubert – Arpeggione Sonata for Cello and Piano in A minor, D.821
4. L.V. Beethoven -Cello Sonata No. 1 in F major, Op. 5 No.1
5. L.V. Beethoven – Cello Sonata No. 2 in G minor,Op. 5 No.2
6. L.V. Beethoven – Cello Sonata No. 3 in A major, Op. 69
7. L.V. Beethoven – Cello Sonata No. 4 in C major, Op. 102 No.1
8. L.V. Beethoven – Cello Sonata No. 5 in D major, Op. 102 No.2
9. D.Shostakovich – Sonata for Cello and Piano in D minor, Op. 40
10. S.Prokofiev – Cello Sonata in C major, Op. 119
11. F. Chopin- Cello Sonata in G Minor, Op.65
12. C.Debussy – Sonata for Piano and Cello

No.11 Concerto Class A

First movement of any Classical cello concerto by J.Haydn,
L.Boccherini, B. Romberg, etc.

No.12 Concerto Class B

First movement of any cello concerto in Romantic Period or 20th
century (e.g. concertos by A.Dvorak, R.Schumann, E.Elgar,
E.Lalo, C.Saint-Saens, etc. )

No.13 Modern Music Award

Any one of solo cello pieces composed after the 1900s.Difficulty equivalent to:
P.Hindemith – Sonata for Cello Solo, Op.25 No. 3
Z.Kodály – Sonata for Solo Cello
B.Britten – Cello Suites
H. Dutilleux -Cello Concerto

Free Choice Class

No.14 Free Choice Youth(Senior) Class

Age under 26 (born after 20.7.1997) One or more pieces of any style( within 9 minutes)

No.15 Free Choice Youth(Junior) Class

Age under 17 (born after 20.7.2006)
One or more pieces of any style( within 8 minutes)

No.16 Free Choice Class A

Age under 15 (born after 20.7.2008)
One or more pieces of any style (within 7 minutes)

No.17 Free Choice Class B

Age under 13 (born after 20.7.2010)
One or more pieces of any style (within 7 minutes)

No.18 Free Choice Class C

Age under 11 (born after 20.7.2012)
One or more pieces of any style (within 6 minutes)

No.19 Free Choice Class D

Age under 9 (born after 20.7.2014)
One or more pieces of any style (within 5 minutes)

No.20 Free Choice Class E

Age under 7 (born after 20.7.2016)
One or more pieces of any style (within 4 minutes)

Quartet Class

NO.21 Quartet Class

(duo, trio, quartet, quintet)
One or more pieces of any style (within 9 minutes)

Unison Classes

NO.22 Unison Class A

Age under 18
Two pieces by different composers (within 8 minutes)

NO.23 Unison Class B

Age under 12
Two pieces by different composers (within 6 minutes)

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