HKIMA會員匯 | 蔡安怡:旅美鋼琴家的音樂藝術人生路


Chinese-American Pianist’s Music, Art, Life


        十年留美生涯,現就讀於耶魯大學音樂學院攻讀音樂表演碩士後,現職耶魯音樂學院羽管鍵琴副科教師。先後師從於前伊利諾伊大學香檳分校鋼琴系主任William Heiles教授,賓夕法尼亞州米勒斯維爾大學音樂學院鋼琴系主任潘洵教授,耶魯大學羽管鍵琴教授Arthur Haas,朱莉亞音樂學院羽管鍵琴,斯坦佛大學早期音樂博士Charlotte Mattax教授。

在校期間跟隨國際柯達伊音樂理論創始人Micheal Houlahan博士,國際音樂史學家,音樂心理學家Philip Tacka博士,著名作曲家音樂歷史學家Simon Andrews博士學習音樂理論,音樂史,音樂作曲。


Yale University

Master of Musical Arts in Harpsichord Performance

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Master of Music in Harpsichord Performance and Literature

Tell School of Music at Millersville University of Pennsylvania

Bachelor of Arts in Music Performance with Honors

Piano and Harpsichord Performance

合作過的指揮與樂團包括英國倫敦BBC合唱指揮家David Hill,著名俄羅斯交響指揮家Vera Volchansky,美國伊利諾伊香檳巴洛克樂團等。演出過的曲目包括格裏格A小調鋼琴協奏曲;J.S. 巴赫D小調鍵盤協奏曲。參加過的頂級大師班包括著名以色列鋼琴家,2017魯賓斯坦國際鋼琴大賽最佳室內樂獎Yevgeny Yontov博士,印第安那大學早期鋼琴羽管鍵琴Elisabeth Wright教授,華盛頓天主教大學Ivo Kaltchev博士,朱莉亞音樂學院羽管鍵琴博士Hedi Salanki博士。期間與第十五屆範克萊本國際鋼琴比賽銀獎獲得者Kenneth Broberg在美國Winter Center音樂廳四手聯彈德彪西小組曲被賓州當地報導讚譽一致好評。

她因精湛的琴藝與無限的親和力多次參與美國賓州,紐約,費城等地音樂公益活動,深受當地美國朋友們的喜愛。2023年受邀擔任美國聯合國兒童基金會藝術指導。多次被各地音樂節及公益音樂家協會邀請作為青年音樂家嘉賓演出,如蘭開斯特國際音樂節,華盛頓鋼琴國際音樂節,Gabriel室內樂團等。曾演出過的大型作品有門德爾松鋼琴三重奏No.2, 弗蘭克A大調小提琴與鋼琴奏鳴曲,Arnold Mendelssohn雙小提琴與鋼琴三重奏,全套巴赫哥德堡變奏曲,貝多芬第三鋼琴協奏曲等。



Harpsichordist and organist for Yale’s Schola Cantorum Sep 2022 – present

• Harpsichord technician at Yale University Sep 2022 – present

• Collaboration with 8-string guitar for chamber concerts at Yale University

• Freelance accompanist for choirs, vocalists, instrumentalists at Yale University Sep 2022 – present

• Choir teaching artist, accompanist for New Haven Public Schools Sep 2022 – present

• Employed worship pianist/organist at Grace Lutheran Church at Stratford, CT Jan 2023 – present

• Harpsichordist and continuo player for Concerto Urbano baroque ensemble at UIUC 2020-present

• Harpsichordist, pianist, choir leader for Jasmine Field Orchestra at UIUC 2020-present

• Freelance accompanist for local choirs, vocalists, instrumentalists in Eastern PA 2015-2021

• Pianist and harpsichordist of Millersville University Symphony Orchestra 2016-2020

• Active worship service pianist and harpsichordist at local churches in Eastern PA 2016-2020

• Piano workshop for young piano learners in Wuhan, China, Summer 2019

• Piano solo performance at the Kennedy Center in DC in Summer 2018

• Choir member of Cantilena Womens’ Choir and University Choir at Tell School of Music 2016-2020

• Participate of Lancaster International Piano Festival in 2015 and 2018

• Participate of Washington International Piano Festival in 2015 and 2018

圖片及文字來源:Anyi Cai & HKIMA

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