HKIMA會員匯 | 陳安多 Anduo Chen:鋼琴表演和教學是我一生所熱愛的職業

HKIMA會員匯 | 陳安多



Piano performance and teaching has been my lifelong passion

        陳安多, 中美青年鋼琴家。美國伊斯曼音樂學院鋼琴表演和文獻在讀博士、伊斯曼音樂學院鋼琴副科全職教師、全球傑出華人藝術家協會簽約鋼琴家。出生於音樂世家,曾就讀武漢音樂學院附小、附中,師從王暹教授學習。十三歲赴美隨潘洵教授學習鋼琴,後以優異的成績獲得高額獎學金考入美國著名的因特老肯藝術高中, 師從著名鋼琴教育家Thomas Lymenstull教授。自2016年獲得Howard Hanson獎學金進入伊斯曼音樂學院,先後取得鋼琴表演學士以及碩士學位並師從鋼 琴教育家Nelita True和鋼琴演奏家Marina Lomazov。現繼續就讀於伊斯曼音樂學院並攻讀鋼琴表演和文獻博士學位,並擔任Lomazov教授的助教一職。

Anduo Chen is a Doctor of Music Arts candidate in piano performance major at Eastman School ofMusic where she studies with Dr. Marina Lomazov. Chen’s former teachers include Dr. Nelita True, Dr. Thomas Lymenstull, Dr. Xun Pan, and Prof. Xian Wang. In 2012, she began her professional training and earned a scholarship at Interlochen Arts Academy with Dr. Thomas Lymenstull. In 2016, Chen began her professional career as a piano performance major student at Eastman School ofMusic where she achieved her Bachelor ofMusic degree and Master ofMusic degree in piano performance. Chen is currently continuing her doctoral degree at Eastman as the teaching assistant of Dr. Lomazov’s studio,and also the instructor ofpiano classes.

作為一名活躍在中美兩國的青年鋼琴家, 陳安多曾多次受邀並舉辦個人音樂會。於2018年7月在廣東省惠州市保利劇院舉辦鋼琴音樂會、2019年7月由廣東省惠州市廣電總局主辦和惠州市文化 館承辦“ 陳安多鋼琴獨奏音樂會” 、以及在深圳由美國ACE國際文化交流中心舉辦個人獨奏音樂會。

During the years at Interlochen and Eastman, Chen actively participated in various concert performances and masterclasses. In July 2018, Chen  successively held a piano solo concert at BaoLi Theater, in Huizhou, Guangdong. In July 2019, she held the“Anduo Chen Piano Solo Concert” in Huizhou City’s Cultural Exchange Center, and was well received by audiences as well as the co-sponsor Huizhou Broadcasting and Television Bureau. During the same month, Chen was sponsored by the Ace International Cultural Exchange Inc. to hold a piano solo concert in Shenzhen city. In January 2023, She was invited by the XiangYang Music and Education Association to hold a solo recital and masterclasses. In 2021, Chen received the title of  GOCAA Professional Artist.

鋼琴演奏之餘, 陳安多同樣致力於鋼琴教學工作,並已成為收穫頗豐的新一代青年教師。其學生在國內外取得了優秀的成績,並紛紛考入國內外主要音樂院校鋼琴系,如哈爾濱音樂學院、星海音樂學院、因特老肯藝術高中。她曾多次受邀舉辦個人講座和大師課,其足跡遍佈全國主要城市。於2023年1月由襄陽市音樂家協會邀請,開展個人大師課對優秀鋼琴學子們進行授課與指導。其 學生在國內外比賽和考試中取得了各類優異的獎項。作為導師,陳安多曾獲得第八屆全球傑出少年演奏家選拔賽傑出指導教師獎、“ 肖邦紀念獎”香港國際公開賽優秀鋼琴導師獎。作為評委,她 曾受邀擔任2023年“ 肖邦紀念獎” 以及2024年“李斯特紀念獎”武漢賽區評委、武漢音樂季鋼琴專業比賽的專家評委、美國Arthur Fraser國際公開賽評委。曾於2022年受到美國南卡羅來納州鋼琴音樂節的邀請,成為20周年音樂節的演出嘉賓和教師。

Chen has recently received the extraordinary teacher’s awards in the 8th GOCAA International Piano Competition and “Chopin Memorial Prizes” Hong Kong – International Piano Open Competition. Her students have been accepted to several world-known music institutions including Harbin Conservatory ofMusic, Xinghai

Conervatory ofMusic,and Interlochen Arts Academy. Chen’s students have also received national awards including NPPA National Winners. In July 2022, Chen was invited as the  guest performer and associate at Southeastern Piano Festival. She was one of the young jury judges of the Arthur Fraser International Piano Competition, and the judges of Chopin Memorial Prizes 2023 Hong-Kong International Piano Open Competition Hubei division, Liszt Memorial Prize 2024 Hong-Kong International Piano Open Competition  Hubei division, and Wuhan Music Season Piano competition.




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