HKIMA會員匯 | Glenn Raaen:只想做好一件事,那就是音樂!

HKIMA會員匯|Glenn Raaen:


 I had only one thing I wanted to work with, 

and that was music.

       格倫羅恩(Glenn Raaen)-活躍於北歐單簧管演奏家與指揮家。本碩畢業於挪威斯塔萬格大學音樂學院,師從挪威知名單簧管家哈肯·韋斯特  利(Håkon Vestly)教授。

格倫來自挪威美麗的西岸城市-海格松,自小對古典音樂 的濃厚興趣讓他在年僅十歲   就走上了音樂這條道路。後在恩師單簧管演奏家(Morten Jota)的指導下考入挪威頂級音樂預科學校托恩海姆(Toneheim Folkehøgskole)繼續深造。後進入挪威斯塔萬格大學音樂學院接受高等教育,師從挪威著名單簧管演奏家Håkon Vestly教授,同時接受丹麥阿胡斯音樂學院著名單簧管家馬蒂亞斯·科勒(Mathias  Kjøller) 教授和挪威格裏格音樂學院單簧管克裏斯蒂安·斯蒂內(Kristian Stene ) 教授的指導。

就學期間以獨奏家和室內樂演奏家身份與北歐各地參演音樂會活動,並以當地獨奏家 身份贏得協奏曲比賽第一名的身份與比約格斯特德交響樂團演奏韋伯的 F 小調單簧管協奏曲,與歐洲指揮大師彼得·西爾維 (Peter Szilvay) 指揮家合作。除此之外以管 弦樂團成員的身份參演多個斯塔萬格交響樂團管弦樂專案。與此同時,格倫接受來自 知名單簧管家的大師課指導,例如葉胡達·吉拉德(Yehuda Gilad),安德烈亞斯 ·   松登(Andreas Sundén) 和卡裏·克裏庫(Kari Kriiku)等活躍於歐洲各地的演奏家。

格倫的音樂生涯不僅限於單簧管演奏。奧斯陸挪威音樂學院學習指揮,師從挪威著名 指揮教育家佩爾·西格蒙德·索普 (Per Sigmund Thorp)教授,拉斯·托馬斯 (Lars-Thomas) 和挪威女性指揮家凱瑟琳·文尼斯 (KathrineVinnes),以指揮家的身份活 躍於挪威各個樂團專案。

Glenn Raaen – an active clarinetist and conductor who based in Scandinavia. He graduated from the University of Stavanger-Music College in Norway with a bachelor’s and master’s degree, and studied under Norwegian clarinetist-Håkon Vestly.

His strong interest in classical music since childhood made him embark on the path of music at the age of ten. Later, under the guidance of his mentor, clarinetist Morten Jota, he was admitted to Toneheim Folkehøgskole, Norway’s top music preparatory school, to continue his studies. Later, he entered the University of Stavanger Music College in Norway to receive higher education, and studied under the famous Norwegian clarinetist Professor Håkon Vestly, and also received guidance from the famous clarinetist Professor Mathias Kjøller of the Aarhus Music Academy in Denmark and Professor Kristian Stene of the Norwegian Grieg Music Academy.

During his studies, he performed in concerts throughout Scandinavian area as a soloist and chamber musician. He also won first place in a concerto competition as a local soloist and performed Weber’s Clarinet Concerto in F minor with the Björkstedt Symphony Orchestra,working with the European conductor master Peter Szilvay. In addition, he participated in several orchestral projects of the Stavanger Symphony Orchestra as a member of the orchestra. At the same time, Glenn received masterclasses from well-known clarinetists such as Yehuda Gilad, Andreas Sundén and Kari Kriiku, who are active in various parts of Europe.

Glenn’s musical career is not limited to clarinet performance. He studied conducting at the Norwegian Academy of Music in Oslo, under the tutelage of the famous Norwegian conducting educator Professor Per Sigmund Thorp, Lars-Thomas and the Norwegian female conductor KathrineVinnes. As a conductor, he is active in various orchestra projects in Norway.



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