HKIMA會員匯 | 許芷淇 Katherine Hsu:帶著“音樂”這份珍貴的禮物,從臺北走到挪威

HKIMA會員匯 | 許芷淇 Katherine Hsu:


Traveled from Taipei to Norway

 with the precious gift – music.

        許芷淇 Katherine Hsu旅歐青年鋼琴家。自4歲習琴,8歲公開演出,16 歲舉辦第一場個人獨奏會,期間師從旅德鋼琴家樓妍伶。17 歲赴台進修,師從台灣知名鋼琴家葉孟儒與傑出女性鋼琴家林娟儀。19歲錄取英國倫敦皇家音樂學院RCM,隔年以全額公費考入挪威國立音樂學院Norwegian academy of music 就讀古典鋼琴演奏,先後取得本科和碩士。師從英國著名鋼琴家Kathryn Stott,德國鋼琴師Christopher Park,挪威天才鋼琴師Wolfgang Plagge和女性現代鋼琴師Ellen Ugelvik。

在學期間受國內外知名大師班指導,包括法國知名鋼琴家Pierre-Laurent Aimard, 英國知名 鋼琴家Paul Lewis, 挪威知名的女性鋼琴家Liv Glaser,台灣知名鋼琴家以及教育家范姜毅, 荷 蘭知名古鋼琴家Bart van Oort等知名鋼琴家。

以獨奏家及室內音樂家活躍於各式舞台。連續兩年參與鋼琴主題巡迴計劃,足跡遍佈至北歐。2020年受邀參與贝多芬250紀念週年巡演,與春季受邀參與Lyden av音樂節,同年以極具特色之跨世代曲目以優秀成績舉辦畢業獨奏會獲得一致好評。2022以受邀鋼琴家身分至瑞典參加北歐藝術歌曲音樂節。同年其個人創作之跨藝術領域作品【一二三】受邀在北歐最 具知名的Ultima現代音樂節參演。

作為一個熱愛冒險創新的音樂人,她對音樂及跨藝術領域合作的熱情驅使她探索並嘗試不同的音樂流派和技巧,以及通過即興創作來融合不同的音樂類型,並在過去幾年裡,與舞者、畫家、詩人和其他藝術家合作參與了許多跨學科計畫。她以獨特的藝術风格,將最新代表作 品“一二三”概念化,這是一場集合音樂,舞蹈,戲劇,攝影和燈光的沉浸式作品。除此之外,她還與羅马尼亞才華橫溢的詩人Ioana Vintilă 和长笛演奏家Catalina Popa-Mörck合作,並應邀在著名的克盧日藝術博物館進行表演。同時,她也與哲學家Feroz Mehmood Shah合作,2023年於奧斯陸歌劇院為青少年的音樂與文學計畫。在2024 年,她與挪威青 年作曲家赫爾莫德·本特森以及挪威青年打擊樂二重奏組合“響鈴”合作的“打擊樂調色板”項目獲得了挪威文化局的認可和支持。

Katherine is a pianist, interpreter, and improviser from Taipei. She started learning the   piano at the age of 4, made her first debut at the age of 8, she held her first solo recital at the age of 16. She has performed in different cities around the world, such as Hong Kong, Shanghai, Taipei, Oslo, and Gothenburg, etc. As an active pianist based in Europe, she has been invited to several music festival, such as Nordic songs festival, Ultima contemporary festival and Lyden festival, etc.

In 2015, Katherine returned to Taiwan at the age of 17 to pursue her music studies with Prof. Andrei Yeh and Prof. Juan-yi Lin. From September 2018, she continued her studies as a bachelor student in Norwegian Academy of Music with British pianist Kathryn Stott  until 2020. Katherine is continuing her master’s degree in NMH with with Composer/Pianist Wolfgang Plagge, Contemporary Pianist Ellen Ugelvik, Prof. Christopher Park and Prof. Sveinung Bjelland from 2021-2023.

During her studies, Katherine has participated in masterclasses with many acclaimed pianists, such as Pierre-Laurent Aimard, Paul Lewis, Caspar Frantz, Liv Glaser, Torleif Torgersen,Sheila Arnold, Zsuzsanna Csaszar, Fan-Chiang Yi, and more.

As a project creators and an improviser. Her passion for music and interdisciplinary collaboration has led her to explore and experiment with different musical genres and techniques. She focuses on merging different genres of music through improvisation and  has participated in many interdisciplinary projects over the past few years with dancers, painters, poets, and other artists. Her latest interdisciplinary-project “One Two Three,” a captivating blend of improvised music and dance, featuring an electronic musician. In addition to this, she has also collaborated with the talented Romanian poet, Ioana Vintilă , and flutist, Catalina Popa-Mörck, and has been invited to perform at the prestigious Cluj Art Museum in Romania. She also got invited to collaborate with  Philosopher Feroz Mehmood Shah in a project between music and literature for youth in  the Oslo opera house in 2023.

As a chamber musician. She dedicated herself in exploring and promoting modern  repertories. During the years, she has been created and performed in several different  project. Lately, she created and performed a chamber project in Oslo for the musics by  great American composer George Crumb. Besides, she had performed several repertoires  by outstanding composers, such as Kaija Saariaho, George Crumb, Henry Cowell, Tandun,  etc.



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