Andrzej Tatarski

   波茲南的Ignacy Jan Paderewski音樂學院擔任鋼琴教授。他曾在波茨南音樂學院師從 Olga Dąbrowska教授 ,並以優異的成績取得了學位。在1969-70間他在巴黎師從 Vlado Perlemuter教授並得以指導完善了他的指法及技能等,使他成為一名專業的優秀的鋼琴演奏家及室內演奏家。

    他廣泛及靈活的技能使得19-20世紀當代波蘭作曲家的作品與法國作品同樣的出色,他是第一位完成 Olivier Messiaen’s cycle “Catalogue d’oiseaux”.作品的波蘭鋼琴演奏家,並為很多波蘭當代的作曲家作品進行首演。他曾受邀參加並完成很多波蘭及世界著名藝術節的演奏會,如波茲南的“Musical Spring”, 波蘭鋼琴藝術節 “Warsaw Autumn”, 克拉科夫作曲家之日的“Wratislavia Cantans”,以及佛羅茨瓦夫的藝術節等等。並在波蘭及海外進行了多場蕭邦作品獨奏音樂會。並率團出訪美國、日本、韓國、德國、法國英國、義大利、澳大利亞、比利時、瑞士及前蘇聯等國家及地區。

    Andrzej Tatarski教授曾經為波蘭及世界各國的電臺、電視臺及電影電視作品錄製音樂作品。他成為 Henryk 、dJózef Wieniawski, Raul Koczalski 、 Ignacy Fredmann , Karol Szymanowski 、 Krzysztof Meyer 錄製第一人,並為許多的波蘭現代作曲家錄製音樂作品 。

    由於Andrzej Tatarski教授的突出貢獻及成就,很多國際鋼琴比賽及室內樂比賽特邀他作為評委並收邀在波蘭、義大利、土耳其、烏克蘭及美國舉辦大師課程。

Andrzej Tatarski studied piano with Olga Dąbrowska at the Music Academy in Poznań, winning a diploma with distinction. In 1969-70 he perfected his skills under the guidance of Vlado Perlemuter in Paris.
He has developed a fine career as a solist and in chamber music. Foreign tours have taken him to the United States, Japan, South Korea, Jamaica, Cuba, Germany, France, Britain, Italy, Austra, Belgium, Slovenia, Switzerland and the former Soviet Union.
He has performed at such prestigious festivals as the Poznań “Musical Spring”, the Festiwal of Polish Piano Music in Słupsk, the “Warsaw Autumn”, The Days of Kraków Composers, “Wratislavia Cantans”, and the Festiwal of Polish Contemporary Music in Wrocław. He has given Chopin recitals at the composer`s birthplace of Żelazowa Wola and performed recitals of Szymanowski`s music in Poland and abroad.
A prominent place in Andrzej Tatarski`s extensive and diverse solo and chamber repertoire is occupied by works by 19th and 20th-century Polish composers as well as by French music. He is the first Polish pianist to have performed Olivier Messiaen`s cycle “Catalogue d`oiseaux”. He has given many first performances of pieces by contemporary Polish composers.
Andrzej Tatarski has made numerous recordings for Polish and foreign radio stations, for film and television as well as on various labels. He has made the first ever recording of piano works by Henryk and Józef Wieniawski, Raul Koczalski and Ignacy Fredmann (for Selene), Karol Szymanowski and Krzysztof Meyer (for Dux).He has made recordings with prominent Polish musicians.
He has sat on the juries of many national and international piano and chamber music competitions, and given master classes (Poland, Italy, Germany, Turkey, Ukraine, USA). Andrzej Tatarski teaches piano at the Ignacy Jan Paderewski Academy of Music in Poznań.

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