Chan Wing Wah

Chan Wing Wah 陳永華


陳永華香港管弦樂團首位駐團作曲家,八首交響曲中,七首由雨果製作有限公司出版,香港小交響樂團,香港中樂團及俄羅斯的兩隊交響樂團灌錄. 第五,第六交響曲總譜由北京人民音樂出版社出版。

曾獲美國「國際雙簧協會作曲比賽」首獎,日本「入野義朗紀念獎」,北京中華民族文化促進會《廿世紀華人音樂經典》獎。香港藝術家聯盟頒「1991作曲家年獎」,1992「十大傑出青年」獎, 香港電視廣播有限公司《兒歌金曲獎》,香港作曲家及作詞家協會「1997本地正統音樂最廣泛演出獎」及2004,2007「最佳正統音樂作品金帆音樂獎」。在國際發表作品的地方包括: 德國斯圖加特「ISCM國際現代音樂節」、斯洛文尼亞「盧布爾雅那夏日音樂節」、義大利迪裡雅斯特的首屆音樂節、波蘭Lodz「亞歷山大唐斯曼音樂節」、西班牙馬德里的LIM 2Mil及畢爾巴古根海姆博物館的BBK藝術節、瑞士溫特圖爾及伯恩的「Klang-Klee音樂節」、亞根廷、日本及韓國的音樂節等。他被列入「葛洛夫音樂百科全書」線上版。2000年獲港府委任為太平紳士。2009 年獲邀成爲中國音樂家協會會員,現為中國音樂家協會理事。




Hong Kang Famous Composer Musician

Chan Wing Wah was the first Resident Composer of the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra.His orchestral works including 8 Symphonies were published by Hugo Productions recorded by the Russian Philharmonic Orchestra and Voronezh State Symphony Orchestra in Russia,the Hong Kong Sinfonietta and the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra.

Internationally he has received First Prize in the International Double Reed Society Composition Contest, USA; the Yoshiro Irino Memorial Award from the Asian Composers League and the 20th Century Masterpiece Award by the China Culture Promotion Society, Beijing. Locally he received the Composer of the Year Award from the Hong Kong Artists’ Guild (1991), the Ten Outstanding Young Persons Award (1992), TVB Children Song Gold Award, CASH Golden Sail Music Awards 2004 and 2007.

His works had been performed in the International Society for Contemporary Music-World Music Days Festival in Stuttgart, Germany; Summer Music Festival in Ljubljana, Slovenia; Trieste Prima Festival in Trieste, Italy; Alesander Tansman Music Festival in Lodz, Poland; Festival LIM 2Mil in Madrid and the Festival BBK in the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao, Spain; Klang-Klee Festival to commemorate Paul Klee in Winterthur and Bern, Switzerland; and music festivals in Argentina, Korea and Japan. His biography is included in the New Grove Dictionary of Music & Musicians Online.
Chan received BA in music from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Master and Doctor of Music degrees from the University of Toronto on a British Commonwealth Scholarship.

Chan had been Professor of Music and Chairman of the Music Department, the Chinese University of Hong Kong and Deputy Director at HKU SPACE. He is now Music Director of the Hong Kong Oratorio Society and Chairman of the Composers and Authors Society of Hong Kong. He is also advisor to numerous groups including the Hong Kong Dance Company and Hong Kong Children’s Choir plus Adjunct Professor at CUHK. The Hong Kong Government appointed him Justice of the Peace in 2000. He was invited to become a member of the Chinese Musicians Association in 2009.

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