Chen Ning-chi

Chen Ning-chi 陳能濟

作曲家 、指揮家

陳能濟創作了大量的中西音樂作品。交響樂 (神州賦)、交響合唱 (兵車行)、鋼琴曲 (赤壁懷古)、民族管弦樂 (故都風情)、(夢鎖)、(夢蝶)、(原鄉與本土) 、為前市政局三大藝團合演音樂劇 (城寨風情)作曲、粵劇舞樂 (九天玄女)、音樂劇 (六朝傳奇)、舞台劇 (窈窕淑女)等。1994年鋼琴曲(赤壁懷古)獲香港作曲家及作詞家協會頒發最廣泛演出獎。

2003年創作大型歌劇 (瑤姬傳奇),於香港中國傳奇藝術節首演、04年在台北公演均獲好評。

2005年創作臺灣山地歌謠組曲及台灣客家歌謠組曲,2007年為香港中樂團「香江華釆30載」創作樂曲 (祈福—黃大仙)。受香港作曲家及作詞家協會資助創作樂曲 (宮、商、徵變奏曲) 。 2010年香港中樂團舉辦2010作曲家節、主辦陳能濟作品專場音樂會首演大型交響詩「赤壁」大獲成功。2010年7月指揮香港中樂團演出合歡家節目「熊猫日記」深受家庭觀眾喜愛。同年11月香港演藝學院中樂團主辦作品專場音樂會並担任客席指揮 。2011年3月應新加坡國立大學華樂團邀請担任客席指揮,演奏陳能濟作品專場音樂會。受台北市立國樂團委約創作樂曲「風從台灣來」首演上海世界博覽會。為台北市客家文化節創作樂曲「我是客家人」。2011年創作古箏協奏曲「西施」。

陳氏亦為兒童、青少年創作各類型作品,如音樂朗誦:(孫悟空大鬧天宮)、(孫悟空三打白骨精 )、(孫悟空三戲鉄扇公主) 、聽音樂講故事:(老師請病 假)、迷你音樂劇 (開飯喇)、改編的中樂版(超人迪加 )、(仙樂飄飄處處聞—-Do Re Mi )等, 2010年指揮香港中樂團演出合歡家節目「熊猫日記」深受家庭觀眾喜愛。

2012年創作樂曲「烟花燦爛」。箜篌協奏曲「浴火鳳凰」。2013年香港舞蹈聯會委約創作大型舞蹈史詩「一條大河」。2015年榮獲香港作曲家及作詞家協會( CASH )頒發音樂成就大獎。

Composer Conductor

As prolific and versatile composer, Chen has written many types of Western and Chinese music. They include Ode to the Bounteous Land for symphony orchestra; The Chariots Rattle On for symphony orchestra and chorus; Reminiscence at Chi Bi for piano; Ancient City, Locked in A Dream, Becoming a Butterfly in a Dream and My Native Land for Chinese orchestra; Tales of the Walled City, a musical jointly presented by the three performing companies of the former Urban Council of Hong Kong; the Cantonese operatic and dance music The Fairy of the Ninth Heaven; the musical The Legend of Love; and the drama production Pygmalion. Reminiscence at Chi Bi, written for piano, won him ‘The Most Performed Work Award’ presented by the Composers and Authors Society of Hong Kong (CASH) in 1994.

The epic opera, The Legend of Yao Ji, was premiered at the Legends of China Festival in Hong Kong in 2003, and won critical acclaim when it was staged in Taipei the following year. In 2005, he wrote two song cycles on Taiwan themes, one based on the aboriginal ballads and another on Hakka ballads. In the year 2007, Chen composed A Prayer of Blessings – A Sketch of the Wong Tai Sin Temple for the ‘Candenzas of Hong Kong’ held by the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra. Under the Composers and Authors Society of Hong Kong fund, Chen composed Do-Re-So. While the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra held the Composers Festival in 2010, the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra presented Chen’s composition concert, which premiere a symphonic poem The Battle of Chibi with great success. Under the commission of the Taipei Municipal Orchestra, Wind from Taiwan was premiere in Shanghai World Expo. Chen also composed I am a Hakka for the Taipei Hakka Cultural Festival in Taipei.

Chen has also composed extensively for children and youth, such as the musical with recitation, The Monkey King Thrice Beats the Bony Ghost, The Monkey King Thrice Teases Princess Iron Fan, a story narrated through music The Teacher Is Off Sick, and the mini-musical, Come and Eat!. He has won the heart of children of all ages with his arrangements of Ultraman Tiga and Do-Re-Mi from The Sound of Music for Chinese orchestra. In 2010, Chen conducted the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra for a family program Panda Diary, which loved by all family audiences.

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