
Chu Wanghua 儲望華

旅澳華裔作曲家、鋼琴家。《黃河》鋼琴協奏曲的主要執筆人之一,並對該作品的鋼琴獨奏部分做出了重大貢獻。半個多世紀以來,儲望華改編或創作的《翻身的日子》《箏簫吟》《二泉映月》《新疆隨想曲》《南海小哨兵》《茉莉花幻想曲》《18首中外通俗名曲四手聯彈》等鋼琴作品,在教學、考級、演奏、比賽中,受到了各地師生以及廣大聽眾們的喜愛和歡迎。1963年畢業於中央音樂學院鋼琴系並留校任教,1982年,赴澳大利亞墨爾本大學深造現代作曲,1985年獲墨爾本大學音樂碩士,1987年榮獲澳大利亞埃伯特.邁基(Albert H Maggs)作曲大獎,並成為澳大利亞音樂中心常任代表。他的音樂創作擴展到交響樂、室內樂以及聲樂、器樂等方面。他創作的《灰燼星期三》《秋之泣》《絲綢之路》等交響樂作品和《薩克斯管協奏曲》《手風琴協奏曲【生命之歌】》等,在澳大利亞和中國公演,合唱《華夏情懷》在香港公演,打擊樂獨奏《十面埋伏》在墨爾本和臺北演出,《第二鋼琴協曲》在瑞典公演,《第三鋼琴協奏曲》在深玔、北京公演。 2013年12月中國國家交響樂團在北京音樂廳舉行了“華夏情懷——儲望華交響樂.鋼琴作品演奏會”。



儲望華音樂作品的主要特點,是在民族風格方面的嘗試探索,和他很多鋼琴曲中的“可彈性”“可聽性” “可教性”。他的生活和創作經歷、個性氣質和創作背景,奠定了他的鋼琴音樂的特點, 從音樂調式色彩、和聲織體、節奏韻律等手法,表現了在他的音樂作品內容中,尋求“中國風格”的含蓄美和自然美。儲望華鋼琴作品不僅具有中國優秀鋼琴音樂的共性,還以其鮮明的個性和魅力,對中國鋼琴音樂的發展起了重要的推動作用。

Australian – baseb Chinese composer . Chu Wanghua had his compositions first performed at the First National Music Week of China when he was only 14 years old . In 1970 he played a major role as one of the composers of “The Yellow River Piano Concerto “, contributing mainly to the piano part . This internationally-recognized concerto has been widely performed and recorded .

After arriving in Australia during the early 80s he completed a Master of Music at the University of Melbourne and received Albert Maggs Composition Competition prize in 1987.  He has been a full representative member of the  Australian Music Center since 1988.

In the past three decades Chu Wanghua has composed a number of works including symphonies, string quartet , 4 piano concertos , 1 saxophone concerto , 1 Accordion Concerto, 2 piano sonatas , a numerous of piano pieces and other chamber music . His compositions have been performed and recorded around the world. The Melbourne Symphony Orchestra has performed two of his symphonic poems, “Ash Wednesday ” (1985) and “Autumn Cry”(1989), Symphony “Silk Road ”  ,  Accordion Concerto and Saxophone Concerto were performed by Pro-Musica Orchestra ( 2007 , 2013 and 2017 ) . His String Quartet was performed by the Petra String Quartet(1985) , “The Air and Variations”, a choral piece without words, was performed in Hong Kong (1998), “Piano Concerto No.3” was performed in Shenzhen and Beijing (2004 and 2013 ) and a percussion solo piece “The Ancient Battlefields” was performed in Melbourne and Taipei( 1998 and 2005).  He was commissioned to compose for the Melbourne group Duo  Sol ,Tokyo International Music Group ,the “Cadenza” National Piano Competition in China , and the commissioned works for Beijing and Shanghai publishing houses and other music groups. In 2013 , China National Symphony Orchestra has performed his own compositions in Beijing Concert Hall .

As a pianist Chu Wanghua has been invited to give recitals at Melba Hall , the National Gallery of Victoria and for the ABC . In 2005 and 2011 he toured China , visiting a total of 20 cities , giving performances of his own solo piano works.

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