Cynthia Yim

Cynthia Yim 嚴仙霞




嚴仙霞女士現任雅韻合唱團 ( Hong Kong Bellissimo Singers )駐團指揮,她曾獲九龍城浸信會第29屆最佳指揮獎,2016年帶領雅韻合唱團參加首屆海峽兩岸四地合唱藝術節榮獲銀獎,嚴氏致力發展及推廣合唱藝術。


Hong Kong Messo-soprano

Ms. Cynthia Yim studied piano under Dr. Alexander Hills in the Royal Academy of Music and was later selected to the postgraduate programme of Piano Accompaniment. After returning to Hong Kong, Ms. Luff learned vocal from the famous vocalist Ms. Ella Kiang and bass Mr. Michael Rippon and passionately attended various international masterclasses including those hosted by opera singers from the Metropolitan Opera House and professors around the world. Holding the LRSM, LTCL and FTCL diplomas, Ms. Luff often performed together with her teachers. By 1988, she had attained a bachelor degree in music from Kingston University, a diploma in piano pedagogy from The University of Hong Kong and a teaching diploma in instrumental studies from the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music (ABRSM).

In 1997, Ms. Luff excelled in the World Chinese Singing Championship in Rome. Since then, she has performed in more than forty opera pieces. Beyond Hong Kong, she also appeared on the stages in a number of cities in mainland China and Southeast Asia.

Currently, Ms. Cynthia Yim served as the conductor in the Hong Kong Bellissimo Singers. She has earned the 29th Award for Best Conductor of the Kowloon City Baptist Church and her chorus won the silver medal in the First Cross-strait Choral Festival in 2016. Ms. Luff stays committed to the development and promotion of choral art.

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