Masashi Kishimoto

Dr. Masashi Kishimoto

Kishimoto博士是马来西亚玛拉工艺大学的合唱团和声乐系主任。他出生于日本明石市,从日本大阪音乐大学获得声乐艺术硕士学位;从奥地利因斯布鲁克的蒂罗尔州立音乐学院考取声乐表演文凭; 还从美国宾夕法尼亚州曼斯菲尔德大学获得合唱指挥艺术硕士学位以及美国北达科他州立大学的合唱指挥音乐艺术博士学位。他曾作为独奏家在世界各地演出,包括在澳大利亚举行的2003年世界杯橄榄球赛中演唱日本国歌,除此之外还和很多乐团参加比赛中演唱,并在比利时国际室内合唱比赛、捷克共和国国际合唱比赛、奥地利格拉茨世界合唱比赛以及克罗地亚扎达尔国际合唱比赛中获得第一名。

Kishimoto博士曾担任日本青年合唱团、亚洲青年合唱团、亚太青年合唱团的成员。在2010年,作为德国斯图加特节日合唱团的成员,与全球著名指挥家海慕特·瑞霖合作,演唱了本雅明·布里顿的《战争安魂曲》,并作为16位歌唱者之一,与美国著名合唱指挥家戴尔·沃兰德(Dale Warland)在明尼苏达州的贝多芬音乐节上演出。此外,他还应邀担任墨西哥帕丘卡音乐节(2009)和菲律宾亚洲青年合唱团(2010)的客席指挥,并担任了2013年日本国家青年合唱团的副导演。他获得了ACDA Richard Kegerreis 奖学金,参加了美国合唱指挥协会在俄克拉何马州举行的2009年大会。Kishimoto曾担任新加坡国际音乐比赛、第一、二届玛拉工艺大学合唱比赛、第四届雅加达Penabur国际合唱比赛、和第六届泰国芭堤雅国际合唱节的评委主席 。

Dr. Masashi Kishimoto is the Director of Choral Activities and Vocal Faculty at University of Technology Mara, Malaysia. He is a native of Akashi, Japan, and has received his Master of Fine Arts in Vocal Performance from the Osaka College of Music in Osaka, Japan; a Vocal Performance Diploma from the Tirol State Conservatory in Innsbruck, Austria; a Master of Arts in Choral Conducting from Mansfield University, USA; and a Doctor of Musical Arts in Choral Conducting from North Dakota State University, USA. He has performed as a soloist throughout the world, including the Japanese National Anthem for the Rugby World Cup 2003 in Australia, and has also sung with numerous ensembles in competitions, placing first at the International Chamber Choir Competition in Belgium, the International Competition in the Czech Republic, the World Choir Games in Graz, Austria, and the Zadar International Choir Competition in Croatia.

Dr. Kishimoto has served as a selected member of the Japan Youth Choir, Asian Youth Choir, Asian Pacific Youth Choir, the Festival Ensemble Stuttgart, Germany, where he performed Britten’s War Requiem under Helmuth Rilling in 2010, and as one of sixteen singers to perform at the Minnesota Beethoven Music Festival under the direction of Dale Warland. He was invited to guest–conduct the Pachuca Music Festival 2009, Mexico, and the Asian Youth Choir 2010 in the Philippines, and was the assistant director of the Japan National Youth Choir 2013. He received an ACDA Richard Kegerreis Scholarship to attend the ACDA National Convention 2009 in Oklahoma City, USA, and was the judge Chairperson of Singapore international music competition, 1st, 2nd UiTM choir competition, 4th Penabur international choir competition, Jakarta and 6th Grand Prix Pattaya International Choir Competition, Thailand .

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