Evelyn Chang

Evelyn Chang 張郁苓

受媒體讚譽《 她不但技巧很好,藝術想像力還十分豐富,把音樂「意象化」起來…》

出生於台灣臺北, 張鬱苓是一位多元化的音樂家, 生長及教育背景融合了東西方的文化。自2004年在倫敦首演, 受邀在享譽國際的倫敦 South Bank Centre 參加英國 Park Lane Group Concert Series 演出 ,其傑出的表現不僅讓她得到高度的評價,更也奠下了此後與世界頂級音樂家們的合作機會,承當更具挑戰的角色 。合作過得音樂家包括 Douglas Boyd、 David Cohen、Paul Dunmall、 Brian Irvine Ensemble、林昭亮 、Roman Mints、寧峰、Maxim Rysanov、Alexander Sitkovestky、王健、Robert Ziegler等多位大師。由英國 AVIE 唱片首度全球發行她與中提琴家 Maxim Rysanov 錄製的中提琴和鋼琴浪漫曲專輯得到多項獎項, 獲英國國際流聲音樂雜誌、 BBC 古典音樂雜誌及台灣 Muzik 雜誌選為當月最佳推薦專輯 ,也成功的在倫敦 Wigmore Hall 舉辦了專輯發表演奏會 。

張鬱苓熱衷於室內樂和現代音樂並積極的推廣及發表現帶作品,和作曲家們一起研究發覺新的構想及聲音 與近代作曲家 馬水龍、Ed Bennet、Diana Burrell、John Casken、Joe Duddell、Elena Firsova、Brian Irvine、Elena Langer、Simon Mawhinney、Fumiko Myachi以及Dobrinka Tabakova等共事過, 其中有許多作品都是專門為她所譜寫的。2009年由AVIE唱片發行的首張獨奏專輯 「音詩- 來自東方」收錄了馬水龍、Leonid Desyatnikov及Dobrinka Tabakova的作品。同年由RALS唱片發行,與西班牙雙簧管家 Cristo Barrios 的合集也首次發表了六位加納利作曲家的作品。其專輯也包括與英國FMR唱片合作的多張即興室內樂集,還有 「Mahakali」- 和英國薩克斯風老將Paul Dunmall的即興重奏專輯。2010年她與香港城市管弦樂團首演Tabakova的鋼琴協奏曲。 同年參與了香港藝術節和香港創樂團的音樂會演出。2012和2014受邀參與香港國際音樂節。2014年成立莫利索三重奏。

張鬱苓三歲半開始習琴, 1986 年進入光仁音樂班。在十三歲那年,經由她跟隨多年的鋼琴老師郭昭則女士推薦,移居英國倫敦,展開了她在西方世界探索音樂的漫長旅程。 1991 年就讀於倫敦著名的The Purcell School of Music ,在Valéria Szervénszky、Graham Fitch and Andrej Esterhézy 老師們的琢磨之下首度站上國際舞臺 ,就讀期間她陸續在英國各地及其他歐洲國家表演,並受邀至白金漢宮演出和赴馬爾他為其總統表演。 1996 年 ,她進入英國皇家音樂專業學院,在名師 Irina Zaritskaya 及 Andrew Ball 的指導下繼續深造 ,並陸續獲頒多項獎項及獎學金和最傑出鋼琴學生獎項的殊榮。

2009年她決定重 回亞洲,透過香港政府優秀人才計畫居住於香港。除了演奏之外,張鬱苓也投身於音樂教育,曾任教於香港大學,是香港亞洲公開鋼琴大賽的固定評委。她是史坦威藝術家。

Described by the press; ‘ …not just with brilliant technique, her colourful imagination enriches the music with vivid images…’

A musician with diverse qualities, Evelyn is a Taiwan born artist with a culture background of both the east and the west. She made her London debut in 2004 in the Park Lane Group Series at the South Bank Centre. The success and exciting reviews followed with numerous collaborations with international artists including Douglas Boyd, David Cohen, Paul Dunmall, Brian Irvine Ensemble, Cho-Liang Lin, Roman Mints, Feng Ning, Alexander Sitkovestky, Maxim Rysanov, Jian Wang, Robert Ziegler to name a few. Launched at London’s Wigmore Hall,  Her debut Avie recording with violist Maxim Rysanov received many awards and was picked as editor’s choice by Gramophone, BBC Music and Muzik Magazine.

Evelyn’s passion lies in chamber and contemporary music. She is actively involved in promoting new music and works closely with composers, namely Ed Bennet, Diana Burrell, John Casken, Elena Firsova, Brian Irvine, Elena Langer, Simon Mawhinny, Fumiko Myachi, Dobrinka Tabakova and many others. Some of the works were especially dedicated to her. Her debut solo album ‘Poets from the East’ released by Avie Records in 2009 included works by Leonid Desyatnikov, Ma Shui-Long and Dobrinka Tabakova. The same year, a recital album with clarinetist Cristo Barrios released by RALS Records premiered works by 6 Canarian composers.  Her other recordings include ‘Mahakali’, a limited edition improvisation album with saxophonist Paul Dunmall on Duns Records and several improvisation recordings on FMR Records. In 2010 she premiered Tabakova’s ‘ The Quest’ Piano Concerto with the City Chamber Orchestra of Hong Kong.  Evelyn was also invited to appear at the HK Arts Festival and Hong Kong New Music Ensemble Series. In 2012 and 2013 she performed at the Hong Kong International Chamber Music Festival. In 2014 she founded Trio Morisot.

Recommended by her piano teacher Mary Kuok Chiu Tse, Evelyn moved to London at the age of 13 and began to explore her long musical journey in the west. During her time at the Purcell School of Music, she gave regular concerts in Europe and the UK under the supervision of Valéria Szervánsky; Graham Fitch and Andrej Esterházy. She was invited to perform at the Buckingham Palace at the age of 17. Later Evelyn joined the Royal College of Music studying under professors Irina Zaritskaya and Andrew Ball supported by the Russell Gandler Award and St. Martyn’s scholarship.

Since 2009 Evelyn resides in Hong Kong under the government’s Quality Migrant Scheme. She taught at the University of Hong Kong and is on the jury panel of The Hong Kong – Asia Open Piano Competition. She is a Steinway Artist.

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