Ivan Yanakov

Ivan Yanakov

伊万·雅纳科夫,著名钢琴家和指挥家。作为许多国际钢琴大赛的获奖者,雅那科夫在澳大利亚、亚洲、欧洲以及北美的超过30多个城市举办过多场音乐会,并获得了公众及专业评论人士的极大赞誉。雅那科夫也曾与许多交响乐团进行合作演出,包括伦敦爱乐乐团。他曾在纽约卡内基音乐厅、悉尼市政厅、伦敦卡杜甘音乐厅、上海东方艺术中心, 东京艺术剧场、札幌音乐厅、冲绳会议中心等多处表演,同时也是各种国际音乐节的常客。在2013年,他在香港大会堂的首演取得了巨大的成功。他刚刚在南韩表演了拉赫玛尼诺夫的第三钢琴协奏曲。他上一场在伦敦卡杜甘音乐厅的演奏会座位提前几个月就售完。同时,他还参与了一系列的四钢琴音乐会的表演。


雅那科夫出生于保加利亚首都索菲亚的一个音乐世家,后前往纽约进行了系统的音乐训练,并获得了纽约 Mannes 音乐学院的本科及研究生学历,有着长达十年的室内乐演奏及钢琴独奏会的经历,且在卡内基音乐厅获得国际演奏家新人奖。在美国期间,雅那科夫参加了由小提琴大师 Pinchas Zukerman 及著名的弦乐四重奏团“东京四重奏”所组织的研讨会。他也是意大利锡耶纳的 Chigiana 学院的全额奖学金获得者。






作为一名非常受欢迎的大师班讲师,雅那科夫频繁收到欧洲及亚洲的各高校的邀请。他近期刚刚完成了在英国伯明翰音乐学院和香港浸会大学的大师班。雅那科夫同时也是美国加州 Irvine Chamber 音乐节及意大利 Siena Belcanto 音乐节的联合创始人、艺术指导。


雅那科夫时常作为评委在各大欧洲及亚洲的音乐比赛中出现。他每年都会在伦敦皇家音乐学院所举办的 Ernest Bloch 国际大赛担任评委。


The winner of numerous international competitions, Ivan Yanakov has been heard to great critical acclaim in over 30 countries in Asia, Europe, Australia and North America. He has performed as soloist with numerous orchestras, and has appeared in halls that include the Carnegie Hall Recital Hall in New York, Cadogan Hall in London, Tokyo Metropolitan Arts Center, Sydney Town Hall, Kitara Hall in Sapporo, Okinawa Convention Centre, Hong Kong City Hall, Shanghai Oriental Arts Centre, and many others. He is a frequent guest of international music festivals and has performed with musicians from London Philharmonic Orchestra.


Born in Sofia, Ivan Yanakov later earned his Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees from New York’s Mannes College of Music and spent 10 years in New York, performing extensively. He was awarded the Artists International Debut Series Prize at Carnegie Hall. During his years in the United States, he participated in chamber music workshops conducted by violinist Pinchas Zukerman and by members of the Tokyo String Quartet.  He was also a full-scholarship fellow at the Accademia Chigiana in Siena.


He moved to Paris and later to London, where he founded the London Chamber Players, a chamber orchestra comprised of young professionals. Ivan Yanakov made his conducting debut with the Czech National Symphony Orchestra in 2010 and returned to conduct them in 2013, in addition to other European conducting engagements.


The artist appears regularly  on television and radio broadcasts in Asia, North America and Europe. Recently, he was featured in an 1-hour live concert on Hong Kong’s RTHK radio station, and on their Pearl TV channel. Other broadcasting highlights include Live from the Los Angeles Museum of Art.


Today, he is often invited to give master classes at major universities in Europe and Asia, most recently at the Birmingham Conservatoire and Hong Kong Baptist University. Mr. Yanakov was the co-founder of the Irvine Chamber Music Festival in California and of the Siena Belcanto Festival in Italy, where he also served as Artistic Director.


Ivan Yanakov regularly adjudicates piano competitions throughout Asia and Europe, and is a jury member of the Ernest Bloch International Competition at the Royal College of Music in London.


One of Ivan’s current projects include The Four Pianists, an ensemble of established classical and jazz pianists. Their last concert at London’s Cadogan Hall was sold out months in advance. The Four Pianists regularly perform in front of 4,000-strong audiences, to both critical and public acclaim.


The current season is taking Ivan Yanakov once more to the Far East (Japan, China, Hong Kong, Macau), and over 10 countries in Europe. In 2018 the artist made his Australian debut with recitals in Sydney and Melbourne. He will continue to conduct the London Chamber Players as their Music Director with concerts in Europe and Asia.

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