Li jiwu

LI Jiwu 李繼武

李繼武 上海音樂學院大提琴教授、管弦系系主任,上海樂隊學院理事。畢業於上海音樂學院和英國皇家音樂學院,師從陳九鶴、錢挹珊和David Strange。
曾任廣州星海音樂學院大提琴教授和附中校長,國家教委留學基金委選派英國高級訪問學者,受聘美國TCU大學客座教授,2007年獲英格蘭Wells Cathedral音樂學校的Fellow榮譽,2013年英國皇家音樂學院授勳委員會授予英國皇家音樂學院院士(FRSM)。

Jiwu Li graduated from Shanghai Conservatory of Music under the tutelage of Jiuhe Chen and Yishan Qian, and continued his Master degree study at the Royal Academy of Music with David Strange. Currently Li is a cello professor and the Dean of Orchestral Instruments Department at the Shanghai Conservatory of Music. He is also a council member in the Shanghai Orchestra Academy.
As an active cellist, Li has performed and lectured in numerous music festivals such as Edinburgh Art Festival, Morningside Music Festival, Tanglewood Music Festival, etc. He has been invited to give master classes in the UK, the US, Australia, Canada, Poland, Hong Kong, Taiwan and other countries and regions around the world. He also appears frequently in the jury in major competitions including National Youth Cello Competition held by the Ministry of Culture, China Golden Bell Cello Competition, China Golden Bello Piano & String Duet Competition, Taiwan Culture Award String Competition, and American TCU International Art Festival.
In 2004, Li was honoured by the Ministry of Culture as the Best Mentor in the 5th National Youth Cello Competition. In 2014, he was awarded the country’s Second Prize of Educational Achievement and the Top Prize (collaboratively) by the Shanghai Municipal Education Commission. Recently Li’s students have won the First Prize in both the 5th and the 6th China National Cello Competition, the First Prize in Group A of the David Popper International Cello Competition, and the Second Prize in the S. Knushevitsky International Cello Competition.
Li was a cello professor in Xinghai Conservatory of Music in Guangzhou and Principal of the Middle School Attached to Xinghai Conservatory of Music. He was selected by the national Education Commission as a senior visiting scholar to the UK. He was invited to the Texas Christian University as a guest professor. In 2007, Li received a Wells Cathedral School Foundation Fellowship and in 2013, he was honored as a recipient of the FRSM Fellowship of the Royal Schools of Mus.ic.

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