Li Xueke

Li Xueke 厲學科

瀋陽音樂學院教授,碩士研究生導師,中國中提琴學會副會長。 多次擔任全國中提琴比賽評委,學生在國內外中提琴比賽中多次獲獎。2008年、2010年應邀出席北京國際音樂大師班夏令營為中外學生上大師課。2009年應邀代表瀋陽音樂學院教師絃樂四重奏團赴美國哥倫布首府大學、印第安那州立大學以及紐約州雪城訪問演出。2015年應邀出任首屆中國西安中提琴國際音樂節評委會副主任。主要代表作《中提琴初學五要素》和《對沃爾頓中提琴協奏曲的研究》等。

Professor, supervisor of postgraduate in Shenyang Conservatory of Music.Vice president of Chinese Viola Institute.He acted as the viola competition judge for many times, and his students have won many awards in domestic and international viola competition. Invited to attend the Beijing International Music Festival and Academy, Li Xueke taught the Chinese and foreign students in the master class in 2008 and 2010. He was invited to perform in Capital University (Columbus),Indiana State University as well as Syracuse University representing the Teachers String Quartet Group of Shenyang Conservatory of music in 2009. He had been also invited to the first Xi’an Viola International Music Festival of China and acted as the deputy director of jury in 2015. His masterpieces include Five Elements for the Beginner of Viola, Study of the Viola Concerto written by William Walton,etc

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