Paolo Vairo 

Paolo Vairo

鋼琴家保羅‧法伊洛(Paolo Vairo)於1974年出生於義大利北部的科莫(Como, Italy)。他超凡亮麗且纖細的音樂性,使他在義大利及其他地區獲得聽眾及樂評的廣大認同。法伊洛的演出曲目範圍很廣,且他對於作曲家創作歷程的深入研究,使他除了精湛的演奏技巧外,更有著充滿詩性的樂曲詮釋。

法伊洛每年均於義大利、瑞士、奧地利、德國、捷克、波蘭、羅馬尼亞、法國、英國,及美國各地巡迴演出,舉辦鋼琴獨奏會或在管弦樂音樂會上擔任鋼琴獨奏。在義大利各大城市都有他演出的足跡,獲得樂評的高度評價。法伊洛曾與世界知名的Herkulessaal der Residenz及慕尼克管弦樂團(Münchener Symphonikern)共同演出,此外,亦曾受邀參與義大利Aosta貝多芬音樂節演出。

法伊洛於2001年秋天獲得全額獎學金前往美國費城坦普大學(Temple University in Philadelphia),在Hervey Wedeen教授指導下得到鋼琴演奏碩士學位,法伊洛同時擔任助教工作,自2005年起,被遴選為「賓州表演藝術中心」(Pennsylvania Performing Arts)巡迴音樂家之一員。法伊洛在學術上的卓越研究重心為舒曼(Robert Schumann)的鋼琴作品,自2006年至2010年(慶祝舒曼150年誕辰及逝世200年紀念)法伊洛舉辦了多場舒曼系列音樂會及演講。2008年以來每年獲加拿大英屬哥倫比亞省之邀約前往溫哥華舉辦舒曼系列演出。2010 年11月受費城社區大學之邀,演出舒曼鋼琴作品全集,這個系列音樂會的錄影並在費城地區公共電視播出。

法伊洛最近的演出,包括在華沙為蕭邦學會(Chopin Society)于Lazienki Park演出蕭邦全集,並在義大利、德國、英國及捷克舉辦巡迴鋼琴獨奏會。在美國的演出,包括在費城的音樂廳和學會,並參與史坦威鋼琴家系列的演出,2011年春天,法伊洛與費城管弦樂協會(Orchestra Society of Philadelphia)演出莫札特的鋼琴協奏曲,六月受邀前往俄羅斯聖彼德堡舉辦講座音樂會,為當地的鋼琴學子提供大師班課程,並於夏天在歐洲各地巡迴演出,2012年秋天於臺灣及香港演出,獲得熱烈迴響。2013年夏天並將再度前往歐洲巡迴演出。

除了頻繁的音樂會演出之外,法伊洛任教于達靈頓藝術中心(Darlington Arts Center)、費城社區大學(Community College of Philadelphia)及蒙哥馬利郡社區大學(Montgomery County Community Collage),教授鋼琴演奏、音樂史及音樂理論課程。並擔任他的家鄉,義大利科莫的表演藝術活動的之藝術及節目企畫副總監。

Paolo Vairo

Pianist Paolo Vairo was born in Como, Italy in 1974. As a musician of uncommon brilliance and sensitivity, he has already acquired great recognition from audiences and music critics both in Italy and abroad. His piano repertoire contains a wide range of styles in which he shows a high level of understanding the interpretation of the authors’ wit, together with outstanding virtuosity and praiseworthy lyricism.

He regularly tours in Italy, Switzerland, Austria, Germany, Czech Republic, Romania France, the United Kingdom and the United States both performing in recital and as soloist with orchestra. His appearances in major Italian cities were met with unanimous critical acclaim. Mr. Vairo performed as soloist with numerous orchestras including the Münchener Symphonikern at the world-renowned Herkulessaal der Residenz in Munich. He was also invited to participate in a concert series celebrating the music of Beethoven in Aosta.

He moved to the United States in the fall of 2001 where he obtained a Master of Music degree in Piano Performance at Temple University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania studying under the guidance of Professor Harvey Wedeen. He received a full tuition scholarship and was awarded a Teaching Assistantship for the duration of his academic career. Since 2005, Mr. Vairo has been selected for inclusion on the Pennsylvania Performing Arts on Tour roster.

Mr. Vairo has dedicated himself to the piano literature of Robert Schumann and between 2006 and 2010 (to celebrate the 150th anniversary of Schumann’s death and the 200th anniversary of his birth), he has been performing and lecturing on Schumann’s works. Since 2008 he was invited every year to perform a series of recitals, lecture-recitals in Vancouver, BC, Canada. In November 2010, Mr. Vairo inaugurated the newly refurbished grand piano for the Community College of Philadelphia’s concert series with an All-Schumann programme, which was then recorded and aired on local TV.

Noteworthy performances from his recent concert activity include an all-Chopin programme for the Chopin Society in Lazienki Park, Warsaw and solo recitals in other European music centers in Italy, Germany, the United Kingdom, Czech Republic, etc. Performances in the United States included the Academy of Music Ballroom in Philadelphia and for the Steinway Piano Group Series. Another performance has also been broadcast, which features Mr. Vairo as soloist with the Orchestra Society of Philadelphia in a performance of Mozart’s Piano Concerto in the spring of 2011. In 2012, Mr. Vairo traveled to St. Petersburg, Russia to perform and present master classes. He continued to tour in Europe in summer and reached Taiwan and Hong Kong, where he received tremendous responses, in autumn. In the summer of 2013, he was back in Europe for tour performances.

In addition to concertizing, Mr. Vairo is on faculty at the Darlington Arts Center, the Community College of Philadelphia and the Montgomery County Community College where he teaches piano, music history and music theory. He is also the Artistic and Programming Director of the Villa Carlotta Concert Series in his hometown, Como, Italy.

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