Paulina Abber

Paulina Abber

Paulina Abber, was born in Austria, she began her musical studies and opera singing in Vienna and after, with a study grant, she continued studying at theConservatorio Santa Cecilia in Rome where she graduated in Opera Singing. She started her soprano career in Italy as a guest in many theaters and concert halls. Later, for two years, she was part of the ensemble of the Opera Theater of Zurich in Switzerland. After this she sang the role of Musetta in “ La Boheme” by Giacomo Puccini at The Teatro Coccia in Novara led by Maestro Marcello Viotti who invited her to sing many roles at the Opera House of Luzern where he was the General Music director. Paulina Abber sang in many European Theaters and after the production of the opera “ Der Zwerg” of Zemlinsky where she sang, with great success, the principal role , she decided to retire from her opera career to devote herself to building the careers of young artists by opening a lyrical management agency called “OPERASTAGE” based in Lucca ( Italy). The Agency has become, in just a few years, a reference point for young artists (opera singers, conductors, directors and vocal coaches), and also for the artistic directions of many european theaters particularly distinguishing itself for the quality of the artists represented.
Since 2012 Paulina Abber has been called by the Wichita University to explain to young singers which is the best way to start an operasinger career during the singing project “Canta in Italia” organized by the Wichita University (USA).
She is also regularly invited as observer during International singing competitions – Belvedere, and is a permanent member of the jury of the “Beniamino Giglio” international singing competition in Rome.

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