
Pei Yushu 裴玉樹

裴玉樹博士曾就讀於上海音樂學院鋼琴系, 師從蕭酩敎授和鄭曙星教授。取得學士學位後,獲美國內華達-拉斯維加斯大學全額獎學金,赴美攻讀音樂碩士 (鋼琴演奏) 學位。碩士畢業後進入美國著名音樂學府,北德克薩斯大學音樂學院,攻讀博士學位,師從世界著名鋼琴家約瑟夫·班諾維茨 (Joseph Banowetz) 教授,主修鋼琴演奏、副修音樂理論,最終榮獲「音樂藝術博士」(Doctor of Musical Arts) 學位。在美期間,他曾獲得多項獎項,包括內華達大學協奏曲比賽第一名、全美音樂教師協會州內鋼琴決賽第一名、美國MTNA西南區七州鋼琴決賽第二名,著名歌手 Barry Manilow 獎學金以及 Martha Massena 獎學金等等。此外他還連續多年獲得Teaching Assistantship 和Teaching Fellowship,在内華達大學及北德大學等教授鋼琴及音樂理論課程多年。來港後先後執教於劉詩昆鋼琴藝術中心、香港中文大學、英國 Kingston University (HKU-Space)、以及香港教育大學,並獲聘請為內地多所大學的客席教授。另外裴博士還經常擔任多項鋼琴比賽的評委,他的學生們也在各類考試和比賽中獲得了突出的優異成績。

Dr. Yushu Pei received his Doctor of Musical Arts Degree (major in piano performance and minor in music theory) from the University of North Texas, where he was a student of the world-famous pianist Prof. Joseph Banowetz.  Dr. Pei also holds a Master degree in piano performance from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas and a Bachelor degree in piano performance from the Shanghai Conservatory of Music in China.  While studying in the United States, he won the first prize at the State Piano Competition of the Music Teachers’ National Association and the Second Prize of the Division Piano Competition of MTNA. Dr. Pei was also the winner of the Concerto Competition of the University of Nevada, and was the recipient of the prestigious Barry Manilow Scholarship.  Other awards which Dr. Pei received include Teaching Assistantships, Teaching Fellowships, and Martha Massena Scholarship etc.  As an outstanding teacher, Dr. Pei has taught piano lessons and music theory courses at The University of Nevada, The University of North Texas, The Hong Kong Liu Shi Kun Piano Arts Centre, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, The Kingston University (HKU-Space), and The Education University of Hong Kong etc.  Many of Dr.Pei’s students received the distinction remarks and won prizes and awards from various piano exams and contests.  In addition, Dr. Pei is a guest professor of several universities in mainland China and he has also been invited to be a judge for many important piano competitions.

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