Renaat Beheydt

Renaat Beheydt

博複生是比利時王國造詣較深的鋼琴家,1985 年於安特衛普音樂學院畢業後進入魯文蕾蒙斯音樂學院專攻鋼琴家專業一年,獲得該院最高學位。隨後,考取著名的伊莉莎白音樂學府,在著名匈牙利鋼琴家肯德(LeventeKende) 的指導下,研修鋼琴演奏專業三年,1989年獲得該學府最高學位後畢業。次年,受聘于魯文蕾蒙斯音樂學院,任教至今,現為該院鋼琴演奏專業教授。自1995至2004年,同時受聘於伊莉莎白音樂學府,為其常任鋼琴伴奏師。

博複生教授鋼琴演奏活動足跡遍及比利時和歐洲各國。在德國和奧地利獲得世界聞名的鋼琴大師克黑爾(Rudolf Kehrer)和巴士克若夫 (Dimitri Bashkirov) 的佳許和指導 ; 在俄羅斯參加過作曲家亞歷山大·斯克利亞賓鋼琴曲研究會,並應請於莫斯科斯克利亞賓紀念館舉辦了斯克利亞賓鋼琴曲演奏會 ; 在南斯拉夫參加過貝爾格勒國際鋼琴大賽並獲獎。此外,在法國、德國、荷蘭、瑞典、瑞士、丹麥、芬蘭、奧地利以及拉丁美洲的墨西哥、亞洲的中國等國均舉辦過演奏會。博複生曲目廣泛。除了獨奏或與樂團合作演奏鋼琴協奏曲以外,他還經常為其他音樂家如伊莉莎白女王比賽獲獎的小提琴家伊凡諾夫(Yossif Ivanov)、卡托 (Lorenzo Gatto)、中國女高音陳其蓮 、白俄大提琴家科馬 (Natalia Khoma)、英國長笛大師懷(Trevor Wye) 等伴奏 。最近和著名鋼琴家朱楣合作演奏雙鋼琴。


Renaat Beheydt received a rich musical education in Belgium. After graduating from the Antwerp Conservatory, he entered the Luca School of Arts Music Conservatory and obtained a specialisation-degree as performing pianist. Later on, he entered the famous Queen Elisabeth Chappell, where he studied with Professor LeventeKende for three years, graduating in 1989 with the highest degree.

That same year, he was invited to become a professor at the LucaSchool of Arts Music Conservatory, where he still teaches piano performance.  From 1995 till 2004, he was official accompanist at the Queen Elisabeth Chappell.

In Germany and Austria, he received coaching by world famous masters such as Rudolf Kehrer and Dmitri Bashkirov; in Russia, he participated in a seminar on composer A. Scriabin and was invited to perform at Scriabin’s birth house in Moscow; he won a prize at the International Piano Competition of Belgrade, Yugoslavia.

His career as a performing pianist has brought Renaat Beheydt from Belgium to most European countries and to America and Asia.  He played as a soloist, with orchestras or in chamber music, in the Netherlands, France, Luxemburg, Germany, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Switzerland, Austria and also in Mexico and China. He collaborated with famous artists such as flute player Trevor Wye, violinist Yossif Ivanov, soprano Chen Qilian and cellist Natalia Khoma.  In Belgium, he collaborated in recording projects with the state Radio and Television. Morerecently, he regularly performs in piano duo with Chinese pianist Zhu Mei.

Renaat Beheydt lives and teaches in China since 2009 and was appointed associate professor at the Xinghai Conservatory in Guangzhou in 2012. His students have won national and international prizes and entered prestigious conservatories such as Cologne, Salzburg, London (Royal College) and Los Angeles.

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