Robert sipos-Ori

Robert sipos-Ori

羅伯特•薛波斯奧利 ( ROBERT SIOPS-ORI) 是澳大利亞藉匈牙利的鋼琴家。現任澳洲音樂學院鋼琴總監, 澳大利亞考試局高級鋼琴考試官, 澳洲墨爾本大學音樂系資深鋼琴伴奏師,澳門理工大學副教授,以及擔任多項國;際賽事評判. 羅伯特薛•波斯奧利 一級榮譽畢業於澳洲墨爾本大學音樂系和匈牙利布達佩斯李斯特音樂學院。在受讀博士學位時期,師承認多位教授; 包括國際著名鋼琴家 Geoffrey Tozer 首位外藉鋼琴家在中國彈奏黃河協奏曲,Prof. Ian Holtham 伊仁豪教授,Prof. Nemethy 南咪爾教授,Prof. Alan Fraser 阿蘭•弗雷澤和 Prof. Elizabeth Mitchell 伊麗莎白•米切爾。

羅伯特薛•波斯奧利曾獲得無數獎項, 包括獲得匈牙利政治府授頒爲 Szent LaszloTarsasag 森特•拉斯洛 資深成員, 更授予有 400多年歷史的銀十字勳章 ( Order or Vitez) 表揚他對匈牙利音樂文化的貢獻, 此外因優異的成績更獲得由澳大利亞聯邦政府頒發獎學金. 2010年其首本音樂著作“巴爾托克 – 十大輕鬆小品” ( Bela Bartok – A Performer’s Guide to the Ten Easy Pieces and Allegro Barbaro ) 在德國科隆出版,現已應用於全球大學而且更得到廣泛的好評。此外, 羅伯特也是一個熱衷於當代音樂的倡導者。多年前已被箸名作曲家Andrian Pertout邀請為其作品彈奏並錄製成CD。

Robert Sipos-Ori is an Australian pianist of Hungarian parentage. He is an Exchange Scholar with Associate Professor ranking at the Escola Superior de Artes, Instituto Politecnico de Macau, Staff Accompanist at the Melbourne Conservatorium of Music (The University of Melbourne), and an examiner in piano with the Australian Music Examinations Board.

Robert Sipos-Ori’s formal studies were completed at the Melbourne Conservatorium of Music, The University of Melbourne, under the tutelage of Prof. Ian Holtham with whom he studied for more than 10 years. He was also a student of Prof. Attila Nemethy (Liszt Academy of Music, Budapest), Alan Fraser and Elizabeth Mitchell. He also had a period of study with Geoffrey Tozer, under a special arrangement financed by the University of Melbourne.

Robert Sipos-Ori has been the recipient of numerous awards, including three scholarships awarded by the Federal Government of Australia. He was also awarded membership to the Szent Laszlo Tarsasag, Budapest, Hungary and awarded the Silver Cross Medal by the Order of Vitez (Budapest, Hungary) for his contributions to Hungarian musical culture. Robert Sipos-Ori’s book “Bela Bartok – A Performer’s Guide to the Ten Easy Pieces and Allegro Barbaro, published in Koln (Germany), has been received with wide critical acclaim.

Robert Sipos-Ori is also a keen advocate of contemporary music. He has given world premiers of piano works by the Australian-Chilean composer Andrian Pertout, and has featured on his critically acclaimed CD, Navigating the Labyrinth.

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