Shi Shucheng 石叔誠
石叔誠還曾在美國指揮家大衛•吉爾伯指導下學習指揮,並于1981年開始指揮中央樂團的演出。1983年被選派赴德國留學,並得DAAD獎學金和弗裡德利•瑙曼獎學金,在科隆高等音樂學院隨著名指揮家沃爾克•汪恩海姆進修指揮。三年留學期間,應邀在德國十幾個城市舉辦音樂會,並多次在廣播和電視中演出。 石叔誠在國內外舉辦的音樂會已逾千場,足跡遍及數十個國家的百餘座城市,演奏或指揮了大量不同類型的中外音樂名作,包括與國際著名的獨奏家、指揮家、交響樂團的合作演出。並在國內外錄製出版了諸多不同類型的音像製品。
Shi was admitted to the Music School of the Central Conservatory of Music in 1958. Studying under the guidance of Professor Li Changsun, he gave his debut piano recital at the age of 16. After graduation with excellent achievements in 1969, Shucheng Shi became a soloist in the Central Philharmonic Society of China.
He ever studied conducting from American Conductor David Gilbert and became the conductor of China National Orchestra. After he was designated to study in German, Shucheng Shi won the DAAD Scholarship of the Federal Republic of Germany as well as a scholarship from Friedrich-Naumann. He then enrolled into the Cologne Musikhochschule and followed well-known conductor Maestro Volk Wangenheim. During his study abroad, he was invited to hold concerts in about 10 cities of German and also broadcasted on TV and on the air. Shucheng had given more than one thousand concerts in hundreds of cities in tens of countries inland and outland, including cooperation performances with global soloists, conductors and symphony orchestras. Meanwhile, he recorded and published videos and tapes with huge number and different kinds both at home and abroad.
Appointed by China National Orchestra, Shucheng Shi, one of the composers for the piano concerto ”Yellow River”, made the necessary recessions to the work. He also appointed as the soloist and conductor of “Yellow River”, which was recorded and admired as “the performance with most outstanding skills and greatest authority”
His superb skills and excellent performance standards have earned the appreciation of both audiences and critics. Dubbed the “Gem of the Chinese Music Arena” and “Rare Pianist Maestro” by Honkong newspaper, Shi Shucheng was awarded by Ministry of Culture, P.R.China in year of 1981 and 1991 and entitled to the name of “Superexcellent Expert”. Recorded as global well known by both of United States Biography Academe and England Cambridge International Biography Centre, he was the first “Steinway&Sons Artist” from the mainland of China.
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