
卡爾•菲爾茨(1830-1845)是音樂史上最有趣同時也是最悲劇的人物之一。毫無疑問,他是19世紀最傑出的音樂家之一。在他的童年早期,就已顯現出在音樂方面的特殊天賦。他短暫的生命是一顆耀眼的流星,但最終卻在轟然間消逝。卡爾•菲爾茨在12歲的時候達到他藝術生涯的頂峰,並且成為肖邦最喜愛的學生與朋友。李斯特曾經評價:“當這個孩子登上舞臺時,我不得不關門大吉了”。 林茨(肖邦的另一個學生)說:“我真羡慕菲爾茨,因為肖邦不看別人,只矚目他,可惜的是,這個孩子15歲就因為肺癆去世。”

比賽類別: 鋼琴、作曲

比賽地點:羅馬尼亞 錫比烏(羅馬尼亞中部)

比賽時間:2017年7月3日 – 2017年7月9日(共計7天)


A  組:生於2005年5月27日以後;
B  組:生於2001年5月27日至2005年5月26日間;
C  組:生於1986年5月27日至2001年5月26日間;

Participants in category A and B will be required to play in only one round.
Category A:
The total repertoire duration should have between 10 and 15 minutes. The programme must comprise works from the following three categories:
a) a polyphonic piece (pieces) of the Baroque period
b) one of the following compositions by Carl Filtsch: Romanza, Andante op.1, nr.1, Barcarolle or three preludes from “Six small preludes”
c) one or more works at free choice of the candidate
Optional: one or more own compositions that will be included in the maximum playing time and have a minimum duration of 2 minutes.
Category B:
The total repertoire duration should have between 20 and 25 minutes. The programme must comprise works from the following three categories:
a) a polyphonic piece (pieces) of the Baroque period
b) one of the following five compositions by Carl Filtsch:
Adagio in c minor (“Adieu”), Mazurka, Nocturno op.1, nr.2,
Nocturno op.14, in C sharp Major or Preludium and fugue in c minor, Etude op.10 in A major
c) one or more works at free choice of the candidate
Optional: one or more own compositions that will be included in
the maximum playing time and have a minimum duration of 3
Category C:
The competition in Category C will take place in two rounds: In the first round the total duration should lie between 15 and 20 minutes and works from the following three categories must be presented:
a) a prelude and fugue from the Well-tempered Clavier, Book I or II of J. S. Bach
b) two etudes from opus 10 or opus 25 of Fr. Chopin (not No.7 from opus 25)
c) one of the following compositions of Carl Filtsch:
Impromptu in B flat minor, Impromptu in G flat major, Introduction and Variations in A major (only the theme and variations are to be played), Etude op.8 in F major.
Optional: one or more own compositions that will be included in the maximum playing time and have a minimum duration of 3 minutes.
In the second round with repertoire duration of 25 to 30 minutes,
the following repertoire is required:
a) a movement in sonata form, from one of Haydn, Mozart or Beethoven’s sonatas
b) one or more pieces from the Romantic period
c) one or more impressionist or contemporary pieces
5. All pieces in all age categories are to be played by memory.
The music of the total programme, including own
compositions, must be submitted to the jury for inspection.


A  組: 1250歐元;
B  組:2150歐元;
C  組:一/二/三等獎分別為3000/2000/1000歐元;
– 授予一位Carl Filtsch曲目的最佳演繹者;
– 授予演奏自己作品的獎項;
– “Peter Szaunig”獎項;
– C組獲勝者將與錫比烏國家愛樂樂團演奏協奏曲;

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