





ü 選手必須以聲樂-鋼琴雙人組合形式申報比賽;
ü 每位選手僅限參與一個組合比賽。

In the event of a change to the complete list of pieces, or to the programmes submitted, as per article 4.7, candidates should send the definitive changes no later than 25th September 2017.
l For the first round, each Duo is to submit a programme lasting no more than 12 minutes.
This programme should include:
•one obligatory song (required musical repertory: 1-1)
•one obligatory lied (required musical repertory: 1-2)
•two works of the candidate’s choice, one in French and one in another language (required musical repertory: 2)
l For the semi-final, each Duo is to submit a programme lasting no more than 20 to 22 minutes.
This programme should include:
•one work by J.-S. Bach (required musical repertory: 3)
•one mélodie by G. Fauré (required musical repertory: 4)
•one lied by R. Schumann or J. Brahms (required musical repertory: 5)
•one lied by W. A. Mozart, J. Haydn or L. van Beethoven (required musical repertory: 6)
•one to three mélodies in French (required musical repertory: 7-1)
•one to three lieder in German (required musical repertory: 7-2)
•one to three songs in one or more languages, in neither French nor German (required musical repertory: 7-3)
l For the final, each Duo is to present a programme lasting no more than 25 to 28 mi-nutes,
chosen by the jury from the list of works submitted.. The jury’s choice will be made immediately after the deliberation of the semi-final and will be communicated to the candidate as soon as the results are announced. This programme will include:
•the work of a contemporary composer commissioned by the competition (required musical repertory: 8)
•one song by Lili Boulanger or Nadia Boulanger (required musical repertory: 9)
•a choice of songs selected by the jury among those not selected by the candidates for the semi-final (required musical repertory, 4, 5, 6 and 7)

Each candidate to the 9th Nadia and Lili Boulanger international Voice and Piano competition 2017 is to present the following required musical repertory:
1 • Two required works for the first round:
1.1.Henriette Puig-Roget, “Le Diable dans la nuit”, Quatre ballades de Paul Fort
1.2.Hugo Wolf, Begegnung (E. Mörike)
2 • Two songs chosen by the candidates – one at least in a language other than French
3 • One extract of a cantata or an oratorio by J.-S. Bach chosen by the candidates in the list selected by the jury and published on the internet
4 • Three mélodies by G. Fauré chosen by the candidates (between opus 39 and opus 113)
5 • Five lieder by R. Schumann and/or J. Brahms (five by the same composer or five combining both)
6 • Three lieder by W. A. Mozart, J. Haydn and/or L. van Beethoven (three by the same composer or three combining all three)
7 • A choice of fifteen songs distributed in three categories:
7.1.Five songs in French (two at least composed after 1900), with the exception of G. Fauré
7.2.Five songs in German (two at least composed after 1900), with the exception of the five by R. Schumann and/or J. Brahms chosen in n°5
7.3.Five songs in one or more languages, which are neither French nor German (two at least composed after 1900)
8 • The song commissioned by the competition to Benoît Mernier available at Editions Durand in mid March, 2017
9 • One song by L. Boulanger or N. Boulanger.
Nota bene:
•Excluded: extracts of operas, melodramas, oratorios or cantatas, except works by J.-S. Bach selected by the competition
•no work may be repeated
ü 評審團由國際傑出的音樂家和音樂教授團隊組成;
ü 評審團的評審結果是最終的,不容置疑。

組委會指定的Benoît Mernier曲目最佳提名獎。
ü 若選手演奏水準未達獎項要求,獎項將不予頒發;
ü 獎項也可平分,或者多個獎項授予一個獲勝小組。

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