
在1975年,斯圖伯格的一些朋友和同事計畫籌備斯圖伯格國際弦樂比賽,以此紀念斯圖伯格在音樂上的突出貢獻。 斯圖伯格曾任西密歇根大學的小提琴教授,並且在學校擔任了20年的管弦樂隊的指揮。 他的很多學生在美國和歐洲的一些大型的交響樂團演出。他對青年音樂家們產生了深遠了影響,為了使這種影響能夠延續,斯圖伯格國際弦樂比賽就這樣誕生了。
在近40年中,從區域性的比賽發展成了國際性的比賽。歷屆比賽的獲獎者已經獲得了突出的成就。 比賽表演的曲目範圍也在不斷的變化。
在1975年,比賽誕生之際,是無人知曉的。經過多年的發展,比賽已經可以為青年音樂家們提供成熟的環境。 高水準的評委對選手評判, 並且保留斯圖伯格的演奏真諦。 最近,我們還開設了延展的專案,由歷屆的獲獎者表演的音樂會和大師班。 歡迎來自世界各地的有天賦的青年音樂家參加。





Guidelines for uploading audition video:
1) Submit one movement of the same concerto that you will be performing at the semifinals if selected;
2) We recommend that you include just one movement of a concerto.  However, we also recognize that some movements are rather short, in which case, you may include two movements;
3) The Bach piece should not be submitted with your application;
4) The repertoire selected must be from standard repertoire with a readily available orchestral accompaniment;
5) The recording must be accompanied by piano or orchestra;
6) Cut lengthy tuttis, both in the introduction and in the body of the movement, if applicable.
7) Do not include your name on the video itself.

Semifinalists must perform the piece/movement(s) submitted in their application.  No substitutions allowed.
Semifinalists must also perform a Bach solo piece from the list below.*
Total time on stage is 25 minutes including Bach and tuning.
Bach must be performed first.
Performances must be from memory.
Twelve semifinalists will be chosen. More information will be sent to those selected.
Semifinalists are encouraged to arrive early but must arrive in Kalamazoo no later than 12 Noon EST Friday, May 12, 2017 for his or her scheduled rehearsal with the collaborative pianist.
Semifinalists will perform between 9 AM and 4 PM on Saturday, May 13, 2017.
Semifinalists are required to use the collaborative pianist provided by the Stulberg Competition.
Collaborative pianists will contact you to arrange your rehearsal time after assignments have been made by the Stulberg Competition
Semifinalists must attend the 4:30 PM ceremony on Saturday, May 13, 2017, following the judges’ deliberation.   Semifinalists must also attend the evening finals concert in order to receive the $1,000 stipend check (these stipends awarded to the nine semifinalists not chosen for medals).
Six finalists will be chosen from the twelve semifinalists.

Six finalists will perform in recital format at 7:30 PM on Saturday, May 13, 2017.
Finalists will perform with the same collaborative pianist as in the Semifinals.
Performances must be from memory.
Final performances must not exceed 15 minutes. Bach will not be performed during the finals.
You must perform a different movement from the same concerto you played in the Semifinals. In the case that you have already performed all movements of a concerto in the Semifinals, you must choose a movement from another concerto to play in the Finals.

*Each semifinalist must perform ONE of the following movements for the daytime semifinals performance.
Sonata No. 1 in g minor: Fugue
Sonata No. 2 in a minor: Grave
Sonata No. 3 in C Major: Adagio
Partita No. 2 in d minor: Sarabande & Gigue (no repeats)
Partita No. 3 in E Major: Loure (no repeats) & Gavotte en Rondeau
Suite No. 2 in d minor: Prelude
Suite No. 3 in C Major: Prelude
Suite No. 4 in E flat Major: Prelude
Suite No. 5 in c minor: Prelude
Suite No. 6 in D Major: Prelude
Suite No. 6 in D Major: Gavotte & Gigue (no repeats)
Suite No. 2 in d minor: Prelude
Suite No. 3 in C Major: Prelude
Suite No. 4 in E flat Major: Prelude
Suite No. 5 in c minor: Prelude
Suite No. 6 in D Major: Prelude
Suite No. 6 in D Major: Gavotte & Gigue (no repeats)
DOUBLE BASS: (Sterling Edition – Transposed Keys)
Suite No. 1 in C Major: Menuetto 1 & 2 and Gigue
Suite No. 3 in G Major: Bourée 1 & 2 and Gigue

David Kim
Amit Peled
Yizhak Schotten

觀眾獎: 觀眾投票選出,無現金獎勵

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