





Category – A
Single test: performance of two studies or two Capriccios and a composition, at choice of the candidate.
Category – B
1) Eliminatory test: performance of two studies or Capriccios, at choice of the candidate.
2) Final test (by heart): performance of one or more compositions lasting between fifteen and twenty minutes.
Category – C
1)Eliminatory test:
Ø  performance of a study (étude) or Capriccio for violin solo, chosen by the Jury from the two proposed by the candidate chosen from works by the following composers: N. Paganini, H. Vieuxtemps, H. Wieniawski;
Ø performance of the Adagio and Fuga taken from one of the Three Sonatas for violin solo (BWV 1001 – 1003 – 1005) or performance of the Chaconne of the Second Partita (BWV 1004) by J. S. Bach;
Ø performance of a W. A. Mozart’s Concerto, chosen from the following: K 216, K 218, K 219.
2)Final test (by heart):
Ø performance of the first movement of Concerto by L. van Beethoven, J. Brahms, P. I. Tchaikovsky, F. Mendelssohn, N. Paganini n. 1 and n. 2, J. Sibelius, at choice of the candidate;
Ø performance of an important composition of the 19th, 20th or 21st century for violin solo or violin and piano, at choice of the candidate.
Category – D
1)Eliminatory test:
Ø performance of two of N. Paganini’s Capriccios, at choice of the candidate;
Ø performance of the Adagio and Fuga taken from one of the Three Sonatas for violin solo (BWV 1001 – 1003 – 1005) or performance of the Chaconne of the Second Partita (BWV 1004) by J. S. Bach;
Ø performance of the first movement of a W. A. Mozart’s Concerto, chosen from the following: K 216, K 218, K 219.
2)Semifinal test:
Ø performance of a Sonata by L. van Beethoven or J. Brahms, at choice of the candidate;
Ø performance of an important composition of the 19th, 20th or 21st century for violin solo or violin and piano, at choice of the candidate.
3)Final test (by heart): performance of a Concerto by L. van Beethoven, J. Brahms, P. I. Tchaikovsky, F. Mendelssohn, N. Paganini n. 1 and n. 2, J. Sibelius, at choice of the candidate.

ü 評審團將由7位傑出的音樂家和音樂教授團隊組成;
ü 若評委候選人與參賽選手有師生或親戚關係,則不得參評本屆比賽;
ü 比賽開始前,每位評委需提交一份與每位參賽選手身份關係的書面陳述;
ü 評審團通過投票表決參賽選手是否晉級下一輪比賽;
ü 決賽通過評審團通打分(1-10分)進行評審,參賽選手最終的得分為去掉最高分和最低分的加權平均數;
ü 評審團的評審結果是最終的,不容置疑。

1. 主要獎項:
l 一等獎:
A 組:獲獎證書 + 1400歐元
B組:獲獎證書 + 1800歐元
C組:獲獎證書 + 2200歐元
D 組:獲獎證書 + 2600歐元
l 二等獎:
A 組:獲獎證書 + 1100歐元
B組:獲獎證書 + 1400歐元
C組:獲獎證書 + 1700歐元
D 組:獲獎證書 + 2000歐元
l 三等獎:
A 組:獲獎證書 + 900歐元
B組:獲獎證書 + 1100歐元
C組:獲獎證書 + 1300歐元
D 組:獲獎證書 + 1500歐元
2. 學生補助金:
A 組:獲獎證書 + 800歐元
B 組:獲獎證書 + 1000歐元
C 組:獲獎證書 + 1200歐元
3. 特殊獎項:
1) 組委會榮譽獎:800歐元授予巴赫曲目的最佳表演者;
2) 馬爾什城市獎:800歐元授予帕格尼尼隨想曲的最佳表演者
3) “安德烈亞·鮑思達契尼”獎項:一架小提琴授予比賽冠軍得主;
音樂會獎項:將於2017/2018年參加Gruppo Promozione Musicale 音樂會表演。
ü 所有的現金獎勵通過銀行轉賬支付,獎項需依法納稅;
ü 所有的獎項和獎學金均不可分割;
ü 若參賽選手的表演水準未達獎項要求,評審團有權不頒發相應獎項;
ü 其他獎項和音樂會也可能作為獎項頒發給獲勝者;
ü 音樂會獎勵包含來回旅途的完整差旅費(食、宿、交通);

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