Arbo Valdma

Arbo Valdma

德國科隆音樂學院鋼琴教授。曾就讀于原俄國愛沙尼亞塔林音樂學院,師從於Bruno lukk(他的學生包括Arthur Schnabel和Paul hindemith).之後在莫斯科柴可夫斯基音樂學院與Nina Emelyanova(曾經是Samuel Feinberg的學生)學習,並獲得碩士和博士頭銜。


Arbo Valdma也作為鋼琴獨奏大師足跡遍佈歐洲和澳洲。曾經和著名的指揮N. Jrvi, K. Sanderling, E. Klas. A. Janson  A. Rabinowitsch, O. Danon, N. Debelic, I. Drazinic, A. Nanut, P. Despalj, A. Kolar一起合作演出。還和Fern Raskovic(小提琴大師) Walter Despalj(大提琴大師)一起合作演出室內樂。

從1984年開始,Arbo Valdma在世界各地舉辦了超過120屆的大師班,包括莫斯科,羅馬,塞薩洛尼基,雅典,卡爾加里,東京,Montepulciano,奧赫裡德,貝爾格勒,札格雷布,諾維薩德,盧布亞納,Kaushiung,杜布羅夫尼克,Bad Sobernheim,科隆,奧蘭多,拉斯維加斯,Los Angeles,亞特蘭大,Sendai,等等。他每年還定期被邀請參加在塔林,海德堡,Chateau Podsreda(斯洛文尼亞),at Haus Marteau(Bayreuth),以及中國,日本,韓國,馬來西亞等藝術節活動。2000年開始在英國倫敦吉爾德霍爾音樂學院舉辦鋼琴大師班。

2007年開始第一屆以他自己名字命名的大師班在瑞士著名的作曲家PAUL HINDMITH寓所舉辦。以及在中歐的公國列支敦士登青年與音樂基金會舉辦的大師班成功講演關於鋼琴音樂線條與肢體語言。

2008年被聘為科隆文化教育交流促進會的會長。(“Unieffectus e.V”)

Arbo Valdma是EPTA(歐洲鋼琴教師協會)原南斯拉夫分部創始人之一(成立於1988年)。塞爾維亞EPTA名譽會長,愛沙尼亞EPTA名譽會員。在1991年,愛沙尼亞音樂協會授予他終身博士獎。他還擔任中許多大賽評委,例如波恩貝多芬比賽,貝爾格勒國際鋼琴大賽等等。他的學生亦在世界級的鋼琴比賽多次獲得殊榮。像布魯塞爾的伊莉莎白女王大賽,維也納的貝多芬大賽,瑞士Vevey (Clara Haskil),科隆的蕭邦大賽,埃皮納勒,日內瓦,洛桑,里茲,慕尼克,雪梨,Vercelli,華盛頓和其它等等的比賽。

Arbo Valdma作為作曲和指揮的他在電視臺和電臺譜寫了大量作品。Arbo Valdma在教學上給予學生一些特殊的理論使他成為國際鋼琴評委會參考的一部分。他發行的鋼琴演奏法受到全球鋼琴界的歡迎。

 Arbo Valdma被【尊為當今世界最偉大的鋼琴教育家之一】。
Arbo Valdma

Dr.h.c. Arbo VALDMA is now professor of piano at the University of Music in Cologne (Germany). He received his musical education at the Music Academy in Tallinn (Estonia) under Bruno Lukk (himself a student of Arthur Schnabel and Paul Hindemith) and later with Nina Emelyanova (a former student of Samuel Feinberg) at the Tchaikovsky Conservatory in Moscow (Master and Doctorate degrees).

In 1970 he was appointed Professor of Piano for advanced students at the State Conservatory of Tallinn and, from 1979, worked as Professor of Piano at the Music Academy of Novi Sad (former Yugoslavia). From 1984 to 1992, Dr. Valdma was Head of the Piano Department at the University of Belgrade. From 1989 to 1992, he was also Dean of the Piano Faculty at the Academy of Arts at the University of Novi Sad. Since 1992, Dr. Valdma has been the professor of piano at the University of Music in Cologne.

Arbo Valdma has performed as a soloist throughout Europe and Australia and with orchestras under the direction of conductors such as N. Järvi, K. Sanderling, E. Klas. A. Janson and A. Rabinowitsch, O. Danon, N. Debelic, I. Drazinic, A. Nanut, P. Despalj, A. Kolar, as well as chamber music with, among others, Fern Raskovic (violin) and Walter Despalj (violoncello).

Since 1984, Arbo Valdma has given more than 120 masterclasses around the world in cities such as Moscow, Rome, Thessaloniki, Athens, Calgary, Tokyo, Montepulciano, Ohrid, Subotica, Belgrade, Zagreb, Novi Sad, Ljubljana, Kaushiung, Dubrovnik, Bad Sobernheim, Cologne, Orlando, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Atlanta, Sendai, etc. Each year he gives Masterclasses in Tallin, Heidelberg, Chateau Podsreda (Slovenia) and at Haus Marteau (Bayreuth). He has also appeared in arts festivals in China, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, etc. In 2000, he was invited to teach a masterclass at London’s Guildhall School of Music.

Dr. Valdma started the first master class under his own name in the residence of the renowned Swiss composer Paul Hindmith. In Liechtenstein, he once presented a master class, which was organised by the Youth & Music Foundation there, on the lines and curves and body language in piano music.

In 2008, he was appointed to chair the Unieffectus e.V.Society for Cultural and Pedagogic Exchange in Cologne.

Arbo Valdma is a founding member of EPTA (European Piano Teachers Association) Yugoslavia (established in 1988), Honorary President of EPTA Serbia and an Honorary Member of EPTA Estonia. In 1991, the Estonian Academy of Music awarded him the prize of Doctor honoris causa. Arbo Valdma is a frequent member in the jury in such competitions as the Telekom Beethoven Competition Bonn and the Belgrade International Piano Competition. His students have won numerous prizes at the most prestigious international piano competitions: Brussels (Queen Elisabeth), Vienna (Beethoven), Vevey (Clara Haskil), Cologne (F. Chopin), Epinal, Geneva, Lausanne, Leeds, Munich, Sydney, Vercelli, Washington and others).

Arbo Valdma has produced numerous television and radio programmes, as both writer and director, in which his students are playing music in something of an extraordinary manner. The lectures given by Arbo Valdma as part of international symposiums, as well as his published articles on piano pedagogy, have received worldwide acclaim.

Arbo Valdma is considered to be one of the greatest piano pedagogues in the world today.

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