Carol Yu

Carol Yu 余嘉露

獲英國《泰晤士報》盛讚為一位「造詣精湛、實力雄厚的鋼琴家」,莫斯科柴可夫斯基音樂學院鋼琴教授Viktor Merzhanov並讚她「彈奏技巧極具專業水準,風格優雅感人」,余嘉露在英國牛津音樂比賽及基斯祈鋼琴比賽贏得冠軍。她享有音色優美、技巧變化多端之美譽,她的演奏體現詩意美感、抒情風格及強烈深刻的情感。

她早年隨Hamish Milne、Philip Fowke和邵元信學藝。其後多年師承著名俄羅斯大師,包括Viktor Merzhanov、Irina Zaritskaya及Andrzej Esterhazy (俄國鋼琴巨匠Heinrich Neuhaus的後人),深得俄羅斯鋼琴派藝術風格之薰陶。她曾跟隨鋼琴家Kendall Taylor、Stephen Bishop-Kovacevich及Bernard Roberts學習,並隨小提琴家Anne-Sophie Mutter、大提琴家Lynn Harrell及弦樂四重奏Amadeus Quartet研習室樂。



除獨奏外,余嘉露曾先後與馬來西亞國立交響樂團、香港小交響樂團及香港城市室樂團合演協奏曲,並與名指揮家李心草及葉詠詩合作。她亦曾經與多位知名國際演奏家作室樂演出,包抱英國子午樂團、中提琴家Jeremy Williams、大提琴家Richard Bamping及Ashley Sidon。在錄音方面,她為英國URM Audio唱片公灌錄蕭邦及貝多芬獨奏作品,獲傑出好評。此外,她為莫斯科電台作現場錄音,香港Brio Music亦為她發行一系列鋼琴演奏DVD專輯。


Hailed by The Times U.K. as a pianist who exerts ‘excellent, positive work at the piano’, and praised by Viktor Merzhanov, Piano Professor at Moscow Tchaikovsky Conservatory as ‘an artist whose manner of playing is notable for its good taste and sense of style’, Carol Yu won First Prize in the Oxford Piano Competition and Kingsclere Piano Competition in United Kingdom, and is a pianist renowned for her exquisite tone and versatile technique. Her engaging performances embody poetry, lyricism and intensity in equal measure, and have been capturing audiences worldwide.

Her active performing career has taken her to major concert halls in London (Southbank Centre and Barbican Centre), Austria, Germany, Russia, Czech Republic, Japan, China and SE Asia, appearing as guest artist in such prominent events as the London Messiaen Festival and the Park Lane Group Series in London, as well as the International Chopin Festival in Austria and International Piano Festival in Kuala Lumpur. She was also invited to perform for the House of Lords in London and the Chopin Society in Vienna. In 2007, she was Artistic Director and Principal Pianist of a concert for 16 pianos in Shanghai, in celebration of the 10th Anniversary of Hong Kong SAR Reunification.

Carol Yu has been appointed a ‘Steinway Artist’ in 2011, joining an internationally distinguished roster of concert pianists. She has collaborated with renowned conductors Li Xin-cao and Yip Wing-sie, and given concerto performances with Hong Kong Sinfonietta, City Chamber Orchestra of Hong Kong and Malaysia National Symphony Orchestra. As a chamber musician, she has appeared with distinguished musicians from around the world including the Meridian Ensemble (UK), cellists Richard Bamping and Ashley Sidon, violist Jeremy Williams and violinist Jue Yao amongst others.

Her numerous recordings received critical acclaim internationally, amongst them are her solo album of Chopin and Beethoven piano works released by URM Audio (UK), a live recording made for Moscow Radio, as well as a DVD series released by Brio Music in 2007.

Carol studied piano with Hamish Milne, Philip Fowke and Shiu Yuen Shun in her early years. Her artistic style was further enhanced by the Russian Piano School, studying with renowned masters Viktor Merzhanov, Irina Zaritskaya and Andrzej Esterhazy (pupil of the legendary Heinrich Neuhaus). She has worked with celebrated pianists Kendall Taylor, Stephen Bishop-Kovacevich and Bernard Roberts, and studied chamber music with Anne-Sophie Mutter, Lynn Harrell and the Amadeus Quartet.

A recipient of prestigious scholarships from the Countess of Munster Musical Trust and the Hong Kong Jockey Club Music & Dance Fund, Carol graduated with Bachelor and Master Degrees in First Class Honours from the Royal Academy of Music in London, winning numerous accolades for her achievements including the Whyte Memorial Fund Award for the Most Outstanding Student of the Year. She further obtained the Master of Arts in Performance from the Staatliche Hochschule für Musik Trossingen in Germany.

Apart from being a performing artist, Carol Yu was invited to be Jury Member in major competitions in the region such as Steinway & Sons International Youth Piano Competition and Hong Kong Young Musician of the Year. She is on the Piano Faculty of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Baptist University and The Hong Kong Institute of Education, and frequently gives lectures and masterclasses in Japan, Malaysia, China and Hong Kong. Her broad musical interests moreover encompass giving presentations and workshops on Music Performance and Music Psychology at the World Conferences of the International Society of Music Education and Asia Pacific Symposium on Music Education Research.

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