Gu Yinglong

Gu Yinglong 顧應龍


刻苦鑽研小提琴教學法,並出版了二套中外小提琴名著講解示範的著作及VCD,特別是近年由上海音樂出版社出版的音樂記實小說《不同凡響》及《弦樂流韻》—林耀基小提琴教學法回顧,再版多次,受到全國各地歡迎。應邀在國內多個城市講學,講學論文在國內雜誌上發表。2009年中國藝術家協會授予顧應龍“德藝雙馨”藝術家稱號,並在2015年獲得 “德藝雙馨”終身成就獎。現被清遠受聘市文聯副主席。

Yinglong Gu is member of the Chinese Musicians’ Association and Guangdong Musician Association, vice president of the Guangdong Society of Violin Education and council member of the China Violinist Society. As an acclaimed music educator, Gu, after retiring from Guangzhou Symphony Orchestra as a performer, has been hired as a professor in the Department of Music by Guangzhou Hualian University, violin mentor in the Music School Attached to Xinghai Conservatory of Music, consultant in Guangzhou Youth Culture Centre and general counsel of arts in Yuan Qin Xuan Art Centre. In his forty plus years of teaching career, over eighty students under his mentorship have been accepted by established conservatories home and abroad. A great many of his students are performing in international orchestras or teaching in conservatories. Among them are prize winners in international violin competitions. His sister and his two daughters, who have also studied violin with him, are laureate violinists known as the Gu Sisters.

Gu has devoted himself in the teaching of violin. He authored two books to demonstrate world violin music with VCD. He was also engaged in the publication of two documentary novels entitled The Remarkable and The Grace of String, tributes to Yaoji Lin’s violin didactics, by Shanghai Music Publishing House. Having been reprinted for multiples times, the novels enjoy a national reputation in China. A frequent guest lecturer to different cities, Gu has been sharing his teaching experience in domestic journals. In 2009, he received the Award of Merit from the China Artist Association in recognition of his virtues and artistic achievement. In 2015, the Association’s Lifetime Achievement Award was presented to Gu. Currently, Gu serves as the vice chairman in Qingyuan Municipal Federation of Literary and Art Circles.

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