
Julie Kuok 郭品文


郭氏早年畢業於美國奧柏林音樂學院、香港演藝學院及英國倫敦皇家音樂學院,師承郭嘉特、 Sedmara Rutstein, Piers Lane 和 Ruth Nye。曾獲多項鋼琴比賽冠軍,抱括第二屆香港鋼琴公開賽,奧柏林協奏曲比賽及第八屆香港亞洲鋼琴公開賽。2000年起,她與鋼琴家許寧成立 「諄意四手」(Facebook: HKDuo; Youtube: HKDuo; www.hkduo.com)合作無間。此外,她亦曾與多隊樂團合作演出,抱括奧柏林室樂管弦樂團、南京愛樂管弦樂團、香港管弦樂團、香港城市室樂管弦樂團、香港室樂管樂團丶新疆愛樂管弦樂團及香港節慶管弦樂團。

郭氏曾應邀多間機構或團體的委約作曲,如康文署、香港管弦樂團、香港兒童合唱團、香港演藝學院、華人女作曲家協會、德望學校及香港長笛藝術學校等。她所出版的鋼琴獨奏作品「小詩的奇幻旅程」先後被選為第二十屆香港亞洲鋼琴公開賽的亞洲作曲家組及第71屆香港校際音樂節中國作曲家初級組的指定曲目。其他刊物抱括: 鋼琴獨奏作品「小詩的奇幻旅程」、「慶生達達」、雙鋼琴作品「夜曲」、唱碟「散聚-諄意四手」及「餘光中詩作聲樂專輯」 。

As a Steinway artist being active in performance, composition and music education, Julie is currently a piano faculty member at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, the Chinese University of Hong Kong and the Baptist University. She was the hostess of the “ABRSM piano exam” at the RTHK radio 4 from 2014-2016 and has been acting as jury in competitions such as Steinway & Sons International Youth Piano Competition, Hong Kong Asia Piano Open Competition and Hong Kong International Open Competition, etc. She had been interviewed in the Cable TV program “Close to Culture” as one of the top ten Hong Kong young musicians.

Graduated from the Oberlin Conservatory of Music, the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts and the Royal Academy of Music in London, Julie benefited much from the tutelage of Gabriel Kwok, Sedmara Rutstein, Piers Lane and Ruth Nye. She won several piano competitions including the 2nd Hong Kong Piano Open Competition, Oberlin Concerto Competition and the 8th Hong Kong (Asia) Piano Open Competition. Since 2000, Julie has formed the “HK Duo” with Hui Ling (Facebook: HKDuo; Youtube: HKDuo; www.hkduo.com ) giving local and overseas concerts premiering several of arrangements and new compositions.  She had also performed with several orchestras including the Oberlin Chamber Orchestra, the Nanjing Philharmonia, the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra, the City Chamber Orchestra of Hong Kong, the Hong Kong Chamber Wind Philharmonia, the Xinjiang Philharmonic Orchestra and the Hong Kong Festival Orchestra.

Julie had been commissioned to write music by several organisations like the Leisure and Cultural Services Department, the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra, the Hong Kong Children’s Choir, The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, the Good Hope School, the Chinese Woman’s Composers association and the Hong Kong Flute Academy etc. Her latest publication entitled “The Fantasy of Little C” has been chosen as the set piece in both the Asian Composer Class of the 20th Hong Kong- Asia Piano Open Competition, and the Chinese Composers Junior Class of the 71st Hong Kong Schools Music Festival. Other publications include “Birthday Dada” for piano solo, “Nocturne” for two pianos, the HKDuo cd “In a glimpse”, and a song cd album with lyrics by Yu Kwong Chung.

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