Philippe BALET

Philippe BALET

Philiippe Balet 出生在巴黎。他在尼斯開始學習音樂,並且在那裏獲得了由克利斯蒂安.菲拉斯頒發給他的尼斯優秀獎。完成了在巴黎國立高等音樂學院(CNSMDP)的學習並取得學位之後,他在彼埃爾杜康指導下去到了瑪格麗特長/賈可國際比賽的半決賽。

從1996年起,他在巴黎管弦樂團佔有一席之地,並且與Christoph Eschenbach, Wolfgang Sawallisch, Pierre Boulez, Lorin Maazel, Zubin Metha, Neeme and Paavo Järvi等世界頂級指揮大師合作,跟隨樂團在世界各大音樂廳巡迴演出,包括維也納金色大廳,柏林愛樂樂團,阿姆斯特丹音樂廳,紐約的卡耐基音樂廳,東京三得利音樂廳,北京保利劇院,國家大劇院,巴黎愛樂。

在日本巡迴表演的期間,他錄製了一張獻給拉威爾、舒曼和莫劄特的巴黎四重奏CD。他還在參加在奧賽博物館禮堂舉行的俄羅斯音樂節。除了作為Alain Moglia&Paris Super String的一員,他還是由Min-On 音樂協會舉行的日本巡迴表演的成員。在音樂教育方面,Philippe BALET多年以來都擔任巴黎大學城交響樂團以及巴黎國立音樂學院交響樂團指導老師。

Born in Paris, Philippe Balet began his musical studies in Nice, Born in Paris, Philippe Balet began his musical studies in Nice, where he received the Grand Prix of the city of Nice presented to him by Christian Ferras.After having studied and obtained his prize at the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique de Paris (CNSMDP) under the tuition of Pierre Doukan, he reached the semi-final of the Marguerite Long / Jacques Thibaud International Competition.

Since 1996, he had held a solist post at the Orchestre de Paris. This has allowed him to play in the most prestigious concert halls including Musikverein in Vienna, Berlin Philharmonie, Concergebouw in Amsterdam, Carnegie Hall in New York, Suntory Hall in Tokyo, Polytheatre in Beijing, National Center for the Performing Arts Beijing, and the Philharmonie de Paris, under the direction of many conductors including Christoph Eschenbach, Wolfgang Sawallisch, Pierre Boulez, Lorin Maazel, Zubin Metha, Neeme and Paavo Järvi.

During a tour of Japan whilst with the string quartet of Paris, he recorded a CD dedicated to Ravel, Schumann and Wolf. He also participated in the cycle of Russian Music in the auditorium of the Musée d’Orsay. Member of Alain Moglia & Paris Super String, he was a part of another tour of Japan organised by Min-On Concert Association.

With regard to music education, he has been involved for several years as a tutor with the Orchestre de la Cité Universitaire de Paris. He also collaborates every year as associate professor with the CNSM de Paris within the framework of the Academy of the Orchestre de Paris.

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