Wang Jian 王健
1984年畢業留校任教至今,培養了許多優秀的鋼琴演奏人才,在全國各地大專院校、藝術中心任教,多名學生在美國、加拿大、奧地利、白俄羅斯、香港等國家和地區留學。多名學生在不同層次鋼琴比賽中獲獎,如:匡力 2001年11月參加日本第七屆國際高中生鋼琴比賽獲複賽獎;2002年參加香港柴科夫斯基鋼琴大賽國內選拔獲第二名;香港決賽獲第四名;
Wang jian is the master in advanced performance,associate professor,master supervisor and party secretary in the Piano Department of Wuhan Conservatory of Music,member of the Chinese Musicians’ Association,deputy director of the Hubei Provincial Advisory Committee on Piano Grade Examination and member of the Performance Committee under the Hubei Musicians’ Association
After graduatig in 1984, he became a teacher in his alma master, clultivated many exllcent piano talent. Then, he was also teaching in many colleges and art center, his gifted students are admitted to have a futher study in Europe, America , Canada, Austria and other regions as well as gained many prizes in different levels, like the 2nd Place of China selection of Hong Kong Tchaikovsky piano competition in 2002, the 4th Place of the Hong Kong Finals.
Besides teaching, he’s often to be a piano art director, playing a accompainment for many participants of international vocal competition,awarded “Best Accompainment”. In addition, he played a accompaniment for singer’s concert of many countries and Professor Zhou Xiaoyan’s masterclasses.
From 1996 Sept to 1997 Dec, he studied in the Republic of Belarus and America expert class.
In 1997 Dec, as a leader, he participate in piano competition in Hong Kong.
In 2011 Nov, with Wu han foreign delegation, he visited and had a culture exchange in Japan.
Form 2003 Jan to 2004 May, he studied for aa senior musician diploma(master) in music school of Toronto university.In 2004 May, he held graduate concert in Toronto concert hall, which was reported by the local media “World Journal”“Sing tao daily” and other medium.
His many papers publishede in some periodical, like Huang Zhong and Qing tong. He also edited Piano music tutorial (published by Wu han Press), and to be an associate editor of Piano employs tutorial (published by Changjiang literature and art Press), planned and supervised the manufacture of piano employs CD (published by The Yangtze river audio-visual publishing houses).
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