Yuan Jiamin

Yuan Jiamin 袁佳敏

作为独奏家,袁佳敏曾分别应邀与上海交响乐团、上海歌剧交响乐团、上海爱乐乐团在重大艺术活动中合作演出。2005年在中国首演俄罗斯作曲家索菲亚﹒古贝多丽娜的小提琴协奏曲“奉献”,受到专业人士的一致称赞。在室内乐表演方面,曾赴德奥、美、日等国家举办多场室内乐专场音乐会,参加的音乐节包括有横滨“亚洲现代音乐节”、“香港ISCM国际现代音乐节”、萨尔兹堡“ASPEKTE”现代音乐节”、“汉诺威现代音乐节”、“北京现代音乐节” 等。

Ms. Yuan Jiamin, born in Shanghai in 1976, has started learning violin performing at the age of five. Her systematically professional training in violin performing in the Music Primary School, the Music Middle School affiliated to Shanghai Conservatory and department of winds and strings of SCM started from 1985 to 2001. In March of 1999, as the second violin of the “Chord Quartet”, she was invited to University Mozarteum Salzburg for one semester for further improvement and exchange. At present, she is working at the department of winds and strings of SCM as associate professor of violin.
From 2000-2006, Ms. Yuan had extensive performing experience in solo and chamber ensemble. In 2000 she made her debut playing Beethoven violin concerto with Shanghai Opera Orchestra. The year after, she was invited to play Brahms double concerto with conductor Marco Parisotto and the Shanghai Symphony Orchestra. As a member of the Shanghai New Ensemble, she has actively participated in “2000 Asian Musical Festival Yokohama”, “ISCM 2002 Hong Kong Festival”, “ASPEKTE Salzburg 2004” and “Music festival Seelze 2005 Hannover”. It was her, as the first player in China, who was invited to perform violin concerto “offertorium” which was composed by Sofia Gubaidulina with Shanghai Symphony Orchestra in “2005 Shanghai International Music Festival”, and acknowledged as a great success.
As for violin teaching, Her students has started to obtain ranking in several major events such as China Music Golden Bell Awards and CCTV China Music Awards competition, Some of them now have played major roles in Shanghai Symphony Orchestra.

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