

英國利茲國際鋼琴比賽是一項真正的國際性比賽。創辦至今,其獲獎者已遍佈全球28個國家。利茲國際鋼琴比賽發掘了一批當代傑出鋼琴家,他們在利茲國際鋼琴比賽中獲得大獎,進而享譽世界。在這裏僅列舉幾位傑出獲獎者:默裏·佩拉西亞(Murray Perahia),魯普(Radu Lupu),安得拉斯·席夫(Andras Schiff),內田光子 (Mitsuko Uchida),拉爾斯·沃格特(Lars Vogt),路易斯·洛蒂(Louis Lortie)和阿圖·皮薩羅(Artur Pizarro)。無論在全球任何地方演奏,他們都樂於分享自己參加利茲國際鋼琴比賽的經歷。


2018年第19屆英國利茲大學國際鋼琴比賽蓄勢待發,將於2018年9月6日 – 2018年9月15日舉行。第一輪至半決賽將在利茲大學音樂廳舉辦,決賽將在利茲市政廳舉辦。選手們將爭奪70000多英鎊的獎金以及重要音樂會演出的機會。其中,選手有機會與至少三個交響樂團合作演出,並獲得報酬。英國廣播電視臺(BBC)將為英國利茲國際鋼琴比賽提供更具力度的媒體宣傳。通過BBC覆蓋全球的傳播網路,選手優美靈動的鋼琴樂符將傳遍全世界。前三名獲獎選手還將在2019/2020年比賽的獲勝者音樂會中演出,並可獲得500美元的演出費。這種機會是絕無僅有的。


比賽地點:英國 利茲市(利茲大學)

比賽時間:2018年09月06日 – 2018年09月15日 (共計10天)



2018年4月3-4日星期二 柏林
2018年4月7-8日星期六 新加坡
2018年4月11-12日星期三 紐約
2018年5月1日星期二 公佈24名晉級選手名單
2018年9月6-8日星期四 第二輪比賽
2018年9月8日星期六 公佈10名晉級選手名單
2018年9月9-11日星期日 第三輪比賽,與管弦樂團Bjørg Lewis (大提琴)| Alexander Sitkovetsky (小提琴) |Elias (弦樂四重奏)合奏;
2018年9月11日星期四 公佈5名晉級選手名單
2018年9月14-15日(星期五-六),與Hallé管弦樂團合奏,由Edward Gardner指揮;
2018年9月26日星期日 獲勝者音樂會演出(利茲大學音樂廳)。

Audition Audio Recording
An unedited audio recording of the applicant’s piano performance, lasting no longer than 25 minutes
and in accordance with the audition repertoire guidance, should be uploaded with the entry.
The following are the requirements for the audio recording:
The recording must be of excellent technical quality and preferably recorded professionally.
We recommend uploading WAV files or MP3 files encoded in stereo at and at least 256kbps.
Please do not send FAC files.
Each piece must have its own track.
The recording must have been made within 6 months of the submission of the application
and be of a minimum of 20 minutes and a maximum of 25 minutes duration.
The recording must follow the rules of the audition repertoire and be unedited.
Post production handling that affects the acoustic quality of the recording (such as bias,
equalisation and noise reduction) is permitted but must be stated.
Details of the music and movements recorded, including durations, the date and place of the
recording should be included on the application form, and a signed certification that the
recording is unedited and was made on the date stated included in the documents uploaded.
Uploading your recording
Audition recordings should be uploaded to one of the following cloud services
· Sound Cloud
· OneDrive
· Google Drive
· Dropbox
In all instances you must ensure that downloads are enabled for your recording.
If using Sound Cloud create a playlist featuring your recording and copy the share link to the playlist.
If using OneDrive, Google Drive or Dropbox, place all your tracks into a single folder and
copy the share link to the folder.
The competitors should choose editions that adhere to the original text
All pieces must be performed from memory, except the Chamber Music
A programme of contrasted repertoire (piano solo works only) lasting no longer than 25
minutes. This should include a work from the baroque, classical or early romantic period (no
later than 1820) and a later romantic or 20th Century work. Individual movements are permitted.
One of these works can also be played in the first round.
First International Round
Berlin: University of the Arts – Joachim Konzertsaal
Singapore: Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music – National University of Singapore
New York: DiMenna Center
Competitors must offer a programme lasting no longer than 25 minutes, including contrasting
works from the baroque or classical period (before 1800) and the romantic period and / or early 20th Century. All works must be complete and repeats played at the participant’s discretion.
The notified repertoire for the first round must not be altered after 1 February 2018.
Second Round – Leeds UK
Competitors selected from the First Round should prepare two contrasting programmes each of
40 minutes duration, and each to include one substantial work or group of works by a major
composer. No music from the First Round may be selected for the Second Round.
Notification of the programme chosen by the Jury for this round will be given with the
announcement of the successful competitors on 1 May 2018 and may not be altered after this
Third Round Semi-Finals – Leeds UK
Semi Finals
The Semi Final round will consist of two parts: a performance of solo piano music and a
performance of chamber music.
Each competitor is required to submit two alternative programmes for consideration by the jury:
a Programme A and a Programme B. Each programme should consist of no more than 75 minutes music in total.
The jury will select which one of the two programmes the competitor is to perform in its
entirety, to be notified when the list of semi-finalists is announced. The performance of the solo piano music will precede that of the chamber music. Competitors will receive adequate
rehearsal time with the chamber musicians.
In Programme A each competitor should include one piece of chamber music from Group 1
(Piano Quintets and Trios).
In Programme B each competitor should include one piece of chamber music from Group 2
(Violin Sonatas and Cello Sonatas).
The remainder of each programme will consist of solo piano music of the performer’s choice, but must include one 20th/21st century work from the list provided. The solo piano music selected should be different for each programme, with the exception of the 20th/21st century piece which can be the same piece in both Programme A and Programme B.
In total the solo piano music should last not less than 30 minutes. The final duration of the solo piano music in each programme is up to the discretion of the competitor and will depend on the duration of the chamber works selected.
Solo Piano Music – 20th/21st Century works
One piece to be selected from the following:
Pierre Boulez 1st Sonata (10’)
Luciano Berio Sequenza (11’)
Brett Dean Hommage a Brahms (3 pieces – 8’)
György Ligeti Selection of Etudes (up to approx. 10’)
György Kurtág Selection of Játékok (up to approx. 10’)
Thomas Larcher Noodivihik (10’)
Thomas Ades Traced Overhead (11’)
George Benjamin Meditation and relativity Rag (7’)
Helmurt Lachenmann Schubert Variations (7’)
CHAMBER MUSIC *(Played with the score)
One piece to be selected from each of the following groups:
Group 1 – Piano Quintets and Trios. With the Elias String Quartet and Alexander Sitkovetsky and Bjorg Lewis
Group 1
Quintets with the Elias String Quartet
Dvořák Piano Quintet in A major, Op.81
Brahms Piano Quintet in F minor, Op.34
Shostakovich Piano Quintet in G minor, Op.57
Trios with Alexander Sitkovetsky (violin) and Bjørg Lewis (cello)
Haydn Trio in A major, Hob XV/18
Beethoven Trio in D major, Op.70/1
Dvořák Trio in E minor, Op.90 “Dumky”
Group 2 – Violin Sonatas and Cello Sonatas. With Alexander Sitkovetsky and Bjorg Lewis
Group 2
Cello Sonatas with Bjørg Lewis
Beethoven Cello Sonata in A major, Op.69
Brahms Cello Sonata in E minor, Op.38
Rachmaninov Cello Sonata in G minor, Op.19
Violin Sonatas with Alexander Sitkovetsky
Beethoven Violin Sonata in C minor, Op.30/2
Schubert Fantasie in C D934
Ravel Violin Sonata in G
Written submission
Each competitor should provide a written submission, in English, by 5 September 2018 which will be taken into consideration by the Jury. This should be no longer than 500 words and should explain the competitor’s thinking behind the choice of programming for this round. If a translation is needed this should be arranged by the competitor.
Competitors should submit two choices of concerto drawn one from each of the following
groups. Only one concerto will be chosen by the Jury. Notification of the concerto to be played
will be given when the finalists are announced.
Concerto Group 1 with the Hallé Orchestra conducted by Edward Gardner
Bach Concerto in D minor, BWV1052
Beethoven Concerto No.1 in C major, Op.15
Concerto No.3 in C minor, Op.37
Concerto No.4 in G minor, Op.58
Haydn Concerto in D major, Hob.XV111/11
Mendelssohn Concerto No. 2 in D minor, Op.40
Mozart Concerto in D minor, K466
Concerto in E flat major, K482
Concerto in C minor, K491
Concerto in C major, K503
Concerto Group 2 with the Hallé Orchestra conducted by Edward Gardner
Bartók Concerto No 3, Sz.119
Brahms Concerto No.2 in B flat major, Op.83
Chopin Concerto No.2 in F minor, Op.21
Liszt Concerto No. 2in A major, S125
Prokofiev Concerto No.2 in G minor, Op.16
Concerto No. 3 in C major, Op.26
Ravel Concerto in G major
Rachmaninov Concerto No. 1 in F sharp minor, Op.1
Concerto No. 4 in G minor, Op.40
Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini in A minor, Op.43
Schumann Concerto in A minor, Op.54

Adam Gatehouse – 利茲合作藝術總監
Emma Bloxham –現場音樂編輯和BBC廣播電臺3新現代藝術家
Tom Poster – 鋼琴家和作曲家
Adam Gatehouse – 主席 (英國)
Thomas Hübsch (德國)
Noriko Ogawa (日本)
Marna Seltzer (美國)
Paul Lewis – Chair (英國)
Sa Chen (中國)
Imogen Cooper (英國)
Adam Gatehouse (英國)
Henning Kraggerud (挪威)
Thomas Larcher (奧地利)
Gillian Moore (英國)
Simon Trpceski (馬其頓)
Lars Vogt (德國)

一等獎:25000英鎊 + Aung San Suu Kyi金牌 + 一場與皇家利物浦愛樂樂團的演出(2018年9月20日演出,由Vasily Petrenko指揮)
Terence Judd Hallé管弦樂團獎5500英鎊 + 三場與Hallé管弦樂團的音樂會演出 + 受邀參加一場曼徹斯特政務音樂會演出;
3.除了上述獎項以外,組委會為三位主要獎項獲得者之一提供專業管理;The Friends of The Leeds與IdeasThatWork為所有獲獎者使用開發一個網站;
10)由Paul Lewis和其他評委親自指導和給出建議;

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