比賽規則 Rules and Regulation
- 公開組賽區不設現場選拔,二零二零年六月一日前,參賽選手請将初賽視頻(DVD格式)寄 往中國區組委會。結果于二零二零年七月二十三日官方網站公布。
- 除第1、5第32至37及第59至66組,所有參賽者之年齡及國籍均不受限制。詳情請查閱「比賽組別及曲目」一欄。
- 參賽者可同時選擇參加多於一個組別之賽事。
- 所有中國之參賽者必須先參加當地賽區舉辦之初賽。
- 所有海外賽區之參賽者必須提供鋼琴老師的推薦信,連同申請表格一併交回,作為初賽遴選之用。
- 初賽結果將於即日公佈,並於二十天內以書面形式作核實通知。
- 參賽者必須於比賽開始前十五分鐘到達比賽場地,辦理登記手續。
- 所有參賽者必須攜帶附有近照之有效之身份證明文件或旅遊證件,以便比賽場地之工作人員身份和作年齡之核實。協奏曲組之伴奏者則不受此限。
- 參賽者於比賽當日不可穿著制服或校服。
- 賽事委員會有權隨時更改比賽時間表。如遇上由教育署發出因惡劣天氣或其他特殊原因而需要停課之指示,所有當日舉行之賽事將會全部取消,直至另行通告,報名費不作退還。
- 組委會安排好比賽場次時間就不能更改,請參賽者安排好比賽日學習時間,如不能按時參賽,其參賽資格將被取消,費用不作退還。
- 對於評審委員所作出之最終比賽成績,任何人均不得異議。
- 評審委員有權於比賽中途終止參賽者的演出,參賽者不得異議。
- 如參賽者之演出超過法定時限,評審委員有權終止參賽者之演出。
- 所有與評審委員會之成員有任何親屬或師徒關係之參賽者,必須於申請表格內列明;而該評審委員則不可參與該賽事組別之評審工作。如有違規者,其參賽資格將被取消。
- 任何人士不得於比賽場地內進行攝影、錄音或錄影。一切錄像版權均屬賽事委員會所有。
- 所有在場人士均需小心看管個人財物。如有任何遺失,賽事委員會均不負責。
- 已繳交之報名費將不獲退還,亦不得轉讓他人或轉作另一項比賽之費用。
- 如參賽者的演出未達到賽會所規定的水準,賽事委員會將不會頒發任何獎項名次及該名次之獎品。
- 參賽者所填報之資料必須屬實。如有違規者,其參賽資格將被取消。所有資料只會作比賽之用。
- 參賽者如有違反任何比賽規則,賽事委員會有權取消其參賽資格。
- 主辦機構有權修改比賽規則,若有任何修改,恕不另行通知。
- 大賽主辦方保留對本次賽事的最終解釋權。
- The preliminary of Open Class will not be held in any competition area. Contestants please send the performance video (DVD) to The
Organizing Committee by 1st June, 2020.The results will be announced at official website on 23th July 2020. - Competition is open to person of all ages and nationalities except for classes No.1,5,32-37 & 59-66. For details, please refer to “Classes and Repertoires”.
- Contestants may enter more than one class.
- Contestants from Mainland China must participate in the preliminary contests of their region.
- Contestants from overseas are required to submit a recommendation letter from his/her piano teacher for the preliminary shortlist.
- Finalists will be announced after the preliminary contest and a written confirmation will be issued within 20 days after the preliminary contest.
Oversea finalists will be notified in writing before 1st July 2020. - Contestants are required to arrive at the competition venue 15 minutes prior to the competition start.
- Contestants are requested to bring along their I.D.card / traveling documents to verify their identity and age at
the registration counter. The age qualification for the accompanists of Concerto Classes is exempted. - Uniform or school uniform is not allowed at the competition.
- 1Competition Organizing Committee reserves the right to reschedule the competition if necessary. In the case of class suspension being instructed
by the Education and Manpower Bureau or adverse weather conditions, all contests will be cancelled until further notice. Entry fee is non-refundable. - The competition time cannot be changed once settled. Contestants should attend the competition as informed otherwise they will be disqualified
and the fee will not be refunded. - Decision made by jury members is final and should not be disputed.
- Jury Members reserve the right of terminating one’s performance.
- Performances exceeding the specified time may be terminated.
- Jury Members should not adjudicate in classes in which their students have participated.
- Audio and video recordings are not allowed. The copyright of all audio and video recordings belongs to the Organizing Committee.
- All attendees of the competition should take care of their personal belongings. The organizing committee will not be responsible for any loss.
- Entry fees are not refundable or transferable.
- Prizes for each class will only be awarded if contestants reach the standards set by the Organizing Committee.
- Contestants should not submit any inaccurate or misleading information. Otherwise, the application will be disqualified. All personal information
given by contestants will only be used for the competition. - The organizing committee has the right to disqualify any contestant who violates any of the rules and regulations stated above.
- Rules and Regulations are subject to change without prior notice.
- The Organizing Committee reserves the right of final explanation of this competition and relevant activities.
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